Go away!

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" Mr. Yeager. "

" What? "

" Excuse me. You just said " Him. " Take them down. " he ordered.

" What? " the men immediately grabbed all of them.

" Ow! Let me go! " Tessa yelled.

" They don't know about the truck! I know! Just let her go. " he pleaded. A man pulled his arms behind him.

" What kind of man betrays his flesh-and-blood brethren for alien metal? Get this guy out of my sight. "

" Get off! "

" Let her go! They don't know about the truck! " he yelled more orders to his men.

" Lucas, you called, didn't you!? " Tessa struggled against the man holding her back.

" No! I don't know any of these scary guys. " Tessa yelled profanities at the man wrestling with her. Cade got loose and immediately ran for Tessa, only to get pummeled to the ground in the process. Tessa called to him, while trying to get to him. Lucas also made an attempt to free himself.

" No! You're not taking me anywhere! I am an American! " he was quickly pushed to the ground, he gladly gave up.

" Savoy. Use the girl. "

The man threw Tessa to the ground, she toppled over the small red wagon with the camera that she pulled in the day before. One man held her down while Savoy cocked, and aimed his gun at Cade's head.

" Now, you got ten seconds. Where's the truck? " he spoke quietly, not playing anymore. The man holding Tessa down, pulled out his gun and aimed at her head. Tessa couldn't stop her tears from running down her check and onto the grass below.

" You're gonna shoot my little girl?! "

" If I have to. "

Naomi was in tears, she had her hands wrapped around one of Optimus' fingers, trying so desperately not to make noise and give their cover. The mayhem outside was easily heard from where they were, almost every little thing could be heard. The things that humans do to get what they want, not caring about anyone but themselves. She couldn't actually believe what was happening to her family. She could hear Tessa's sobbing, Cade begging, trying to convince them that Optimus wasn't here. That they had no idea where he was.

" Seven seconds. "

Optimus could hear it all. He felt responsible, like he had to help. He couldn't believe that Cade was still trying to defend him, even with his loved ones life on the line. Savoy shot next to Cade's head.

" You got two seconds. "

" I need the truth. "

" Shoot her. "

" Hold on tight. " Optimus said to Naomi, which she doubted she could hold on anymore than she already was. His voice startling the man above them. Optimus busted out of the hole, knocking the man to the wall on the other side of the barn. He threw some of the wood planks at the other men in the barn, smaller pieces hitting the little robots scattered about the barn. The planks hit most of them, the damage was enough to make them spark and spaz out  . A large explosion coming from the barn stopped everyone in their tracks on the outside. Cade took this chance, when the men let go of him, to grab a drone that had been hovering near his face, the camera showing Attinger everything. Optimus rolled out of the barn, shooting at the TFR agents.

" Here I am! " he declared himself. Not hitting his targets very easily because his weapon needs two hands. Naomi tucked herself into a ball in Optimus' palm, none of her limbs hanging out, as to not risk injury. She somehow managed a grip of-sorts. The agents who were being shot at were sent flying in the air. Cade rushed Tessa behind the tree. He then realized, in the midst of chaos, something important, someone important was missing.

" Where is Naomi?! " he and Tessa yelled, looking around as if they would find her.

" Cade! They are going to kill you! I have Naomi, get out of here! " he yelled back at them, focusing on not dropping Naomi, and shooting. Cade grabbed Tessa and ran, Lucas jumped over the swing, an explosion of one of the cars sounding behind him. He landed, rolling next to where Cade and Tessa just were; he ran after them. Optimus while avoiding fire from the agents around him, fled his own way. One agent shot a missile at him, missing and hitting Cade's truck, which exploded behind them. As Lockdown appeared, he shot his own missiles at the house, completely destroying it. Tessa lead Cade and Lucas to the mysterious car in the field. They could see the car hit and agent in the face, spit flying out of his mouth. The car came to a stop beside a somewhat large placement of water. The driver swung open the passenger door, expecting Tessa to get in that seat.

" Come one. Hurry up! Get in the car! Let's go! " he started to yell at them.

" Daddy, get in the car! " Cade got in the front while Lucas and Tessa got in the back. Cade looked confused and hesitant to get in the stranger's car.

Meanwhile, as Optimus is escaping the house with a helicopter shooting missiles at him, but missing all of them. Naomi was in the driver's seat, just trying to keep her head down and making sure to breathe.

" Naomi, Lockdown will be chasing us relentlessly, I need you to trust me and do everything I say. " Naomi could only respond with a nod, he was driving too recklessly for her to use her hands to respond. She buckled herself in, keeping her hands on the steering wheel.

They came up to a highway, Naomi looked out the window to see Lockdown on a road below them. She turned her head forwards, and closed her eyes tight.

'Oh my God, go away!' she wished she could scream aloud.

Lockdown never shot at them, just staying hot on their trail. They started to pass older, graffiti covered buildings, then they pulled into a larger more open area, and Optimus transforms. Naomi couldn't bring herself to scream, so she pulled her hands to her chest, and held her breath. Optimus quickly maneuvered Naomi to his palm, and he started to climb up the side of a building. The second she could see Lockdown, he started shooting at them. One missile coming really close to connecting. Optimus started to run along the building top, Lockdown tackled him down, destroying something in the process, Naomi couldn't tell while being jerked around.

Suddenly, without warning, Optimus jumped from one building to another, with Naomi in his hand, his grip not being too great. He came up to the end of the building, and Naomi could finally see what was going on. She could see what looked like a racing car being chased by multiple black cars.

'Dad and Tess must be in that car.' she hoped 

" Cade! " Optimus noticed where they were.

Optimus quickly ran and jumped from the building. He rolled, knocking over stacks of multiple crates, rolling over the black cars stopping them from getting any farther. The only thing Naomi could hear was the sound of an explosion.

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