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   I was sitting in the lobby with the other photographers having lunch when the door opens

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   I was sitting in the lobby with the other photographers having lunch when the door opens. I see Jared. The others greet him, not phased since he's been in L.A. for a while now and has been coming by to greet me.

"Hey Jay." I smile, looking up at him and he takes my sandwich and takes a bite before handing it back to me

"We need to have a best friend date tonight." He says siting next to me and I look at him and wipe the small crumbs off his face.

"Tonight?" I ask and he nods



"This outside bar. I can get you in." He says and I think for a moment

"You pick my up."

"Deal. Thanks kid!" He says and jogs out the building and I shake my head and laugh

   Later on that night I was getting dressed when Kelly calls me. I answer and put him on speaker phone. I let him tell me about his day since it was sucky and gave him little nuggets of advice. I grab my glasses since it was still light out.

"What are you doing now?" Kelly asks and I grab my house key

"I am about to go to this outside bar with Jared since he demanded a best friend date." I say and Kelly laughs

"Want me to hang up?"

"Nooo. He's not here yet." I smile and we stay on the phone until Jared came.

   I was going to text Kelly but he told me not to text him while with Jared to give him my full attention. I smile and continue my night with Jared. We get in the bar and there was music booming. Jared and I find I booth and hang out for a bit. He paid for the food but I told him I was going to pay him back.

   We went up to go dance. I start to dance, my glasses still on an Jared smiles and puts his glasses on and we both dance together. He did get protective when some guys tried to dance on me but other than that, the night was fun! Jared let me taste a martini but it was very disgusting. We left the bar around midnight but we drove around L.A.

"So about Kelly..." Jared says and I look at him

"Jay I know you're skeptical but I promise-"

"You gotta let me finish girly." He laughs and I smile

"I was gonna say I think he likes you and I have been doing some lurking on him-"


"Shut up. Anyways, I was going to say that if you two were to start dating, just know your boundaries." He says and I smile as he stops in the parking garage and we both get out and I hug him.

"Thanks Mr. Leto."

"You make me feel old some times." He chuckles and I smile

"You look good for an old guy." I tease and he playfully pinches me and tickles my sides and I giggle and squirm around

"Let's get you inside, I don't want you walking by yourself." He says and I smile and him and he stares at me for a moment before sighing.

"C'mon." He smiles and I jump on him, causing him to take a few steps back as he caught me and he carried me to my apartment.

"You're heavy."

"You stink."

"You were the one who wanted me to carry her like I haven't danced for three hours straight."

"True...you'll be fine. You can stay the night since you basically live here now."


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