Chapter Two

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**Iris West**

When Oliver Queen suddenly called on Team Flash for help, Iris West was a bit confused on what she was supposed to do. Cisco was in the middle of a fight with some mediocre meta across town, and Julian was more focused on talking to him over the communication systems than the computers that showed that Oliver had used his distress signal. She normally would have gone to Barry, but Barry was gone; he was trapped somewhere in the speed force.

Iris decided to start with tracking his location, deciding that that was probably the smartest thing to do while the two men were busy. The quicker they knew where he was, the quicker they would be able to help him anyways. The person beside her eventually stopped talking to Cisco, turning to face her and peek at the screen of the computer she was using.

"What are you doing?" Julian asks, his British accent peaking with curiosity.

"You and Cisco received a distress signal from Oliver," she said slowly, deciding it was probably for the two of them and not her. "I tracked the location of where the signal was sent from."

Julian nodded slightly, looking over at the screen and letting his gaze go to where Iris was pointing. The distress signal from the Team Arrow leader was there, flashing as if to show that is was an urgent thing. He turned toward the headset he had previously been using to talk to Cisco, adjusting it so that the microphone would be near his lips. He touched the small button on the side.

"You have one more thing to do before you return here," Julian informed Cisco. "We received a distress signal from Oliver."

There was a pause from their side of the com as Julian removed his hand, letting their friend do the talking. Iris found herself sitting down in one of the desk chairs, straining to hear Cisco's voice through Julian's side of the headphones. When Julian sighed, she made a confused and borderline worried face.

"You have a point, Cisco. Yeah, I'll ask Iris to get ahold of him," he said before taking off his headset. "Can you message your brother? Star City is nearly six-hundred miles away. It would take hours for us to get there and the trip alone would cost money that we as a team don't exactly have. If he can run there, we'll save so much time and money."

"Oliver didn't really think this one through, did he?" Iris asked slowly as she pulled out her phone. "How about we call him and make sure he didn't accidentally send the signal. If it wasn't an accident, then I'll send my brother a text and ask him if he can do it."

Cisco walked into the building just a few minutes later, looking at the two people expectantly. Iris had moved back to looking at the computer screen. She wrote down the address the tracker was supplying onto a blank piece of paper before moving to Google to look up the location.

"Oliver is at an elementary school," she said once the location was revealed, her voice showing slight confusion. "The school's classes would most likely be done by now, so he wouldn't be doing a presentation about being mayor for the students."

"Can you call him Cisco?" Julian said, and Iris and he watched as he nodded.

Cisco glanced at the computer and grabbed for his phone, searching for Oliver's number. He was glad that the other was so involved with Team Flash, because otherwise, calling him would have been a pain in the butt. The phone was placed on speaker and the three of them waited for Oliver to pick up.

"He would most likely be there to pick up his son," he said while the phone rang. "The boy's mother was on that island."

"Cisco! What can I do for you? I'm dealing with an unconscious vigilante and his son right now and can't exactly talk for long," Caitlin said before anyone could react to what Cisco had just said.

"Caitlin?" he asked hesitantly, nearly dropping his phone.

"I thought I told you I wasn't Caitlin Snow anymore?" she said, but her voice was almost gentle.

"You also told us you weren't Killer Frost," Julian replied quickly. "Why do you have Oliver?"

There was no sound from the other line, making all of us look around confused. Iris picked up her phone again and texted her little brother. The phone dinged quietly a few minutes later, causing her to look down to read his message.

"Whoever you think you are," Cisco said after Iris's phone made a sound. "You need to let him go. He's the mayor, not just some random citizen. You could cause more damage than what you probably wish to do."

The dial tone that was given to them as an answer made Cisco sigh. Julian looked over at Iris, his hand motioning for Iris to tell them what her brother had said. She glanced down at the phone and read the message one more time. She wanted to tell them an accurate recount of what Wally had told her.

"He's too busy with classes and can't make a trip," she reported. "We don't even know if Oliver is still at the school, and if he's stuck searching around Star City, he may not make it back in time for his classes."

How were we going to help Oliver, and how would they get the money to do so?


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