A boy meets a girl and they fall in love. It's like in a movie, but what is if there is no happy end and both are left unsatisfied. He planted the flower and the flower bloomed and then someone came and stole the most beautiful flower, he has ever seen with just a touch of a fingerprint, so he is sitting right at the place she was before everything turned gray and dreams about magical summer days with his flower in his hand and dancing in the rain but when he wakes up there's nothing left of this so he was wondering what's life worth after the flower he spent time with the most left him alone. He looks straight up to the sky watching the sunset and he is asking himself how the moon and the sun never met but are always around each other so he is wondering if there's another flower just waiting for him to cure her and when he is walking around in thoughts, there he fails to see the flower who needs him the most. Time flew by and he gave up because none of em needed him but what he failed to see there was a flower so pure and beautiful watching him from far away and oh how she wishes he would see her how she sees him and she is wondering how she can make him satisfying. There are plenty of him but she can't see anyone one else 'cause there's just him she wants so bad. So boy please wake up and see me like I see you because I always just wanted you.