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act 1; part 1 | the beginning of everything

DIANA JAMES WAS never a standout student. She was, in every sense of the word, average. She never considered herself to be extraordinary; the only thing she ever considers extraordinary about herself was the fact that she had a witch for a mum. Despite this fact, she was never one to consider herself in any way more special than most of the general population. There were a lot of people in England, and the world for that matter, with some type of magical blood running in their veins.

She spent her years at Hogwarts in the background. One of the people in blue amidst the sea of blue, red, yellow, and green. It was alright, she never liked being the forefront of attention anyways. She liked her life being one of those people who just seemed to blend in. Uninteresting enough to notice and unworthy of anyone's attention.

All of that seemed to change during her seventh and final year at Hogwarts.

She never meant to sleep in. She never meant to stay up late either. When her dorm-mates decided that they would only have that night to catch up on their summer vacations, it was hard to get any form of sleep before midnight. The moment that the clock stroke one and the people she shared a room with decided that they were all caught up, was when she was finally given the sleep that she oh-so craved.

Now here she was: running across the halls of Hogwarts, her blonde hair flying all over the place as she made a mad dash towards her first class. She prayed to any higher being that would listen that her professor wouldn't be too mad or disappointed in her, because honestly this was not how to she envisioned her final year at Hogwarts to begin. Potions with the Gryffindors didn't seem too dreadful so she must not have any reason to be late.

"Sorry I'm late professor!" She said panting once she reached the potions classroom. She fidgeted slightly when all eyes seemed to be on her; a rare moment when she was the center of attention.

"It's alright." The professor chuckles, shaking his head at the slightly distressed girl. "Believe it or not Miss James, you are not the only person to be late today. Now sit down so we can begin. I believe you can your seat."

Diana gave a sheepish smile as she made her way to the only table available. She noticed that both of the seats were not occupied, meaning that there was one other person who was late as well. She put her bag down and started getting out her Potions book, a quill and some parchment.

The professor was only beginning to open his mouth to address the class when another voice stopped him from doing so.

"I'm sorry professor! I slept in." Everyone turned to look and saw none other than James Potter shrugging and giving a sheepish smile at the professor. He pushed his glasses back and made a face at Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew who were chuckling at his tardiness.

"Not a problem Mr Potter. Not a problem. I assume you can find your seat." The professor said, chuckling at the boy. James Potter shook his head as he made his way to the only seat available.

"Alright class before we formally begin our lesson, you should know that the seating arrangement is final and non negotioble. The person beside you will be your Potions partner for your final year."

It could be worse. She could've been seated beside someone who was terrible at Potion making. She took solace at the fact that James Potter did well enough in Potions that she didn't have to worry about anything exploding during their time together.

"Hello." James greeted as he sat down next to her, a small smile on his face. Diana only responded in a nod of acknowledgement.

"Well, I'm James." He said, attempting to start a conversation. If he was going to be stuck with her for the rest of the year, he might as well get to know her. James didn't know a lot of things about the people outside of his circle of friends and the people outside of his house, Gryffindor. The girl beside him was a Ravenclaw so he did not know anything about her, let alone her name, even though they were in the same year and have even shared some classes during their time at Hogwarts.

However, Diana did not respond to him. She continued taking notes down and hanging on to every word the professor spoke. She was a Ravenclaw after all, she had somewhat of a reputation to uphold.

"This is the part where you tell me your name." James sighed, turning to look at her.

"Diana James." She replied curtly, not even sparing him a glance.

"That's cool. Your last name is the same as my first!" James grinned.

Diana only nodded at this.

"You're not much of a talker are you." James noted. It was more of have statement rather than a question. "Well, we're going to have to change that!"


hello! So that's the first part. Hope you like it and give this story a chance. Give it a vote if you think it was worthy and let me know what you think down in the comments!

lots of love,


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