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act 2, part 9 | ignorance is bliss


NEW YEAR'S EVE at Hogwarts was arguably more looked forward to by its students rather than Christmas. There was a different kind of excitement in the air. Not the kind that was delighted by snowball fights, hot chocolate by the fire, or the gift giving tradition. No, it was more in the thrill of dancing to incredibly loud music and downing butterbeer and firewhiskey as you and your friends counted down until midnight, ringing in the new year. Students flitted in and out of halls and doorways, sneaking in the kitchens and occasionally to Hogsmeade, gathering supplies for their respective new year house parties. The professors pretended not to notice the students hiding bottles of alcohol in their robes, letting things slide and mostly just disappointed that they didn't use an extension charm instead. Regardless, even they were excited for their own faculty party. Even the prefects, who were usually sticklers for rules didn't even bother reprimanding students, as they organized the parties in the first place.

Diana's eyes widen as a student, carrying streamers and party hats, runs past her. She shakes her head as the student almost slipped on the floor, before making her way to the library to return a book she had borrowed over break. The librarian gives her a curt nod as she hands in the book, looking around at the deserted library. Letting out a low whistle once she leaves, Diana observes the castle halls with a grin, letting the energy fill her system. Seeing the students rush in and out of rooms, buzzing with excitement trying to avoid professors even though they already knew what they were up to, reminds her why she loved this time of year at Hogwarts. It was rare to see students completely at peace with one another, helping each other out. Granted, it was all for New Year's Eve rager at their respective common rooms, but Diana appreciated it anyway.

She missed Hogwarts in her time away. And she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss a certain James Potter either.

Diana missed his presence in her time away from Hogwarts, not even fully realizing that he had taken up such a large portion of her day-to-day life that it felt rather odd to not even hear his voice every hour. She hoped to see him when she had arrived the previous day, she couldn't even deny the falter in her smile once she noticed his absence on the train platform. But she pushed through it, still glad to see her friends there. Diana knew he was a busy man, with head boy responsibilities and all that. She just wished that he had been there with his goofy grin, messy hair, and somehow always askew glasses. She also wished that she'd see him at any point the previous day, but she would have to settle in seeing him once today.

Wrapped up in her thoughts of him, she absentmindedly runs into his friends; which recently had become her friends as well. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.

She collides with Sirius' chest, feeling his much taller frame look down at her. His hands make their way to her shoulders, steadying her, "Woah. Easy there, sunshine."

Diana gives him a sheepish look before brushing his hands off her shoulders, "I'm alright. Sorry."

"I didn't ask if you were." Sirius teased, raising an eyebrow at her, "But are you sure you're alright? You don't really seem like it."

Remus nodded in agreement, "Yeah, the Diana we know doesn't randomly bump into people and responds when we've called out her name multiple times."

A hand travels up to her mouth in shock, before shaking her head in embarrassment, "Oh, really? I'm so sorry again, but don't worry, I'm alright."

Remus and Sirius wave their hands as a response, as if to say, 'it's nothing' at her apology. It doesn't take long for them to remember their last conversation with James and wonder if Diana had talked to him yet. But looking at the smile on her lips and the dreamy look in her eyes, they guess that she hasn't yet.

"The two of you know where James is? I've been hoping to at least talk to him yesterday when I arrived, but there was no sign of him."

A chill creeps up their spines, Remus and Sirius look at each other. Truthfully, their previous conversation with James was the last they saw of him. While Arabella and Peter looked for James using the map, they roamed the castle in search of Diana. They didn't expect to find her so soon; they hadn't even rehearsed what they were going to say yet.

"Listen, Diana," Remus started, his eyes darting between Sirius and the ceiling, silently asking for help from his friend.

"We have something to tell you." Sirius continued, giving Diana a nervous smile; though what he was about to say was no happy matter.

"What is it?" Diana asked, looking at the two, waiting for one of them to say something.

The two didn't know where to start, how to word it. Their mouths had suddenly gotten dry, all words in the English language got caught in their throat. A cold sweat runs down the side of Remus' face; Sirius' hands had gotten clammy, wiping his hand on his trousers. But regardless, Sirius tries his hardest to get the words out:

"James and Lily kissed."

The way Diana's face falls was enough to break both of their hearts.

"Is this a prank?" Diana asks, trying to cover her nerves with laughter but it made her sound more anxious, "Because it's not a very funny one."

"It's not a prank." Remus replies, his voice solemn, unable to look at Diana in the eyes, "He told us himself."

"You're a great girl, Diana. We really like you." Sirius explained, nervously wringing his fingers, "We thought you deserved to know."

Sirius and Remus braced themselves for the waterworks, for the kicking and screaming, to get cursed out. They were ready to hear it all, to take it all. It was certainly how they would react had they been told the same news.

But instead all they had gotten was a quiet, "Oh."


a/n: short update for this one, but this is essentially just a prerequisite for the finale wc is the next chap and it's gonna be a doozy,, so prep yourselves, or not idk

but she knows now !!! James better watch out smh

finale + epilogue coming next week !!! (probably, depending if my professors will be nice in the coming days lmao)


take care until then,

arielle xx

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