epilogue: moving forward

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epilogue | moving forward


 November 1979

Diana took one final look around, checking if there was anything out of place. Seeing the shelves dust-free and the books arranged just as she wanted, she was ready to close up shop. With a satisfied smile, she shuts the front door, hearing the gentle click of a lock as she turned the key.

She didn't know exactly what she was thinking when she asked her mother if she could manage the bookstore she owned the summer after she graduated from Hogwarts. Diana wasn't sure what kind of job in the magical world she wanted to have. Then again, no one was thinking about jobs when they were in the midst of a war. While the rest of her classmates became aurors, joined the Order of the Phoenix led by Dumbledore himself, she went into hiding in the muggle world. She was scared, more than she cared to admit. But every day that passed the guilt that built up in the pit of her stomach as she heard news of former schoolmates dying at the hands of Voldemort and his Death Eaters.

Maybe that's why she finally chose to reply to Dumbledore's letter, inviting her to join the Order, after months of ignoring it.

Diana tried to swallow her nerves, feeling her nervous energy fuelling every single step she took towards the Order's meeting place.

The house was unassuming, located on an unassuming street. The walls needed a new coat of paint, much like the houses that sat next to it. Both magic and non-magic folk wouldn't have given it a second thought. No one could have guessed that it would be used as a meeting place from some sort of secret order. The wooden door was a dark red, a knocker placed in the middle of it. Diana reaches a hand towards the knocker, but it opens on its own. Giving out a quiet creak in the process.

She wipes her boots on the doormat before entering. Her nose twitches at the dusty interior. Diana lets out a quiet squeal once the door shuts on its own with a harsh slam. She follows the familiar voices, leading her to the dining room.

A long wooden table was at the center of the room, six chairs along each side of its length. One chair placed at the head of the table, in it sat Dumbledore, who greeted her with a warm smile and gestured for her to sit in one of the several empty seats.

She sits beside Remus Lupin who gives her a small smile and a gentle pat on her shoulder in acknowledgement. In front of her sat Sirius Black, with Marlene McKinnon beside him. Sirius' eyes lit up at the sight of her entering the room, giving her an excited wave hello. The corners of her lips twitch upward as his gaze meets with hers. She sends a small nod to Marlene in greeting which she returns.

"Hi everyone." Diana greeted, feeling her nerves lessen at their welcoming faces.

They ask Diana how she was doing, listening intently on her life in the muggle world, managing her mum's library. Everyone figured some small talk was necessary before they sent her headfirst into the facts of the war. They don't ask her what took her so long to join them, only expressing how grateful they were that she eventually did.

However, their conversation was cut short by the sound of the door creaking open and slamming shut once again. They hear footsteps, quick and heavy, making their way towards them.

Diana sees him, James Potter, at the doorway.

She offers him a smile, which he gladly accepts, before taking the seat on the other side of Sirius.

"Sorry, I'm late. I might have slept too much during my afternoon nap." Jame apologized sheepishly, though it was mostly directed at Dumbledore who waved it off, already used to his tardiness from his school days.

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