17 | ONLY US

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act 2, part 7 | only us


"DO YOU PROMISE you'll try and get back early?" James asked Diana with a pout.

Diana smiles, her cheeks a rosy hue. Though it is uncertain if it's from the cold. "I promise. I'll be back on the 30th."

They stood on the train platform. In one hand, Diana holds a book for the train ride ahead. The other held James Potter's hand as they wait for her to board the train. The rest of the marauders had come along with them. Despite the freezing winter, there were several Hogwarts students on that platform as well, hoping to say goodbye to their friends before the holiday break.

"You know, you could just stay here. Not too late to stay at the castle and spend the holidays there with us." Arabella suggests, huddling close to Sirius for any bit of warmth she can get.

"Yeah! Is there anything we can say that could persuade you to stay?" Remus asked, agreeing with Arabella.

"Hmmm," Diana mused, "I don't think so."

"Ah," Remus smiled, his eyes crinkling as he shrugged his shoulders, "it was worth a shot."

"Last call for those leaving! The train will be departing soon!" The conductor called out in a booming voice, startling the five.

"I guess I should go, huh?" Diana said, letting go of James' hand. She looks at the train, at the students rushing their goodbyes to board it, then back at her friends.

Arabella steps forward, engulfing her in a hug. "I'll see you again soon."

"Okay." Diana said, just loud enough for Arabella to hear. "And thank you again for the other day."

Arabella pulls back, her hands still placed on Diana's shoulders, knowing she was referring to their previous conversation. "It was no problem, Diana. Please just keep in mind what I said." Arabella reminded, tilting her head towards where James was standing.

Diana nods, "I will."

She made her way down the line, giving quick hugs to Remus, Sirius, and Peter, before reaching James.

"I'm gonna miss you, you know?" Diana admits, looking up at James with a somewhat bashful smile. One that James notices, letting out a little laugh.

"Does saying that sadden you?" James teased, an eyebrow raised.

Diana shakes her head and attempts to slightly push James' shoulder, but he does not budge from his place. James doesn't miss the smile on her face and the glint in her eyes.

"See, you push me away but that look in your eyes tells a different story."

"What look?"

"A look that says I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you."

"You wish, Potter."

"You love me, don't you? What happened to it not being an issue?"

"Shut up, James. In case you forgot, you're the one who kissed me first."

"How could I forget? You only remind me everyday."

"I hate to break this up, and really I do, you both are adorable," Remus said, gesturing to the two of them, "but Diana's going to miss the train."

Diana moves to give James a kiss on the cheek, but he steps back, pointing a finger to his lips. Diana rolls her eyes but nevertheless gives him a quick peck on the lips, earning a joking groan from Sirius. "Gross."

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