Chapter 4

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Hello. Long time so see.

Yeah, sorry bout that. I got a lot on my plate. I try to update as much as I can though.

Yeah. Let's just get into the story.

Stiles flicked the light switch on the wall beside the attic stair and led his family up. He climbed his way to the boxes of his mother's things and stopped, looking at all of it in despair. Lydia laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder and he looked at her, his eyes swimming with tears.

"It don't think I can do this." He said, licking his lips and looking down. She traveled around so that she was in front of him and held his shoulder.

"I believe in you Sti. You can do this." She said. He nodded and reached for a box. He sat down and pulled it into his lap, opening it up and rifling through it with care. He was doing ok before his hand met a familiar object. His hand and whole body were shaking as he brought out his mother's music box. He wound it up and opened it, listening to the song. His eyes filled with tears again and he opened and closed his mouth, trying to form words.

"Sti? You ok hon?" Lydia asked. He nodded and stood up quickly.

"I'm gonna... um, I'm gonna go, um, get some air. I'll be right back." He said. He stumbled out of the room, tripping over multiple things as he made his way out almost desperately. He collapsed outside the attic door, sucking in heaving and shuddering breaths, tears slipping out of his eyes and down his face. The song ran through his head on repeat as he slid down the wall and placed his head in his hands. Lydia got up from where she was upstairs and told the kids to keep looking for any journals. She made her way out the attic to find Stiles. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she rushed down and sat in front of him. He looked up and collapsed into her arms, sobbing and heaving, his lungs trying to get some air.

"L-Lyds. Lyds I c-can't breath." He said, hyperventilating.

"I know honey. Just breath with me okay?" She said. She coaxed him out of the panic attack and he sat there, tears still slipping out of his eyes as he laid his head in her lap. She stood him up after a minute and led him into his bedroom. She laid him down in bed and kissed his forehead as he fell asleep. Alec came into the room and padded over to his mom.

"I think we found what you were asking for mom." He said. She nodded and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you sweetie." She said. He went to walk out again and paused.

"Is... is dad okay?" The boy asked. Lydia pulled him into a hug and smoothed his hair.

"He's ok bud. He's just had a lot of trauma and other things in his life. Especially when he was away." She said. "He's not the same man he was 13 years ago hon, probably never will be again, but we love him anyways." She said, looking at him. He smiled and nodded at her. She kissed his forehead again and they both made their way upstairs to see the box. The kids had found a smaller box that was filled with Claudia's journals, each of them with a different title. Lydia picked up the whole box and handed it to the kids. "Go bring this out to the car okay? I'm gonna go get dad." She said to them. The twins nodded and walked out the door, putting the box in the trunk and waiting in the car. Lydia led a groggy Stiles out and he fell asleep in the passenger seat on the way back to the house. Lydia got out of the car and popped the trunk, grabbing the box and handing to Alec before waking Stiles up again and walking him into the house. Everyone who was inside stood up in alarm when they entered the house and she waved their worries off with an, 'I'll tell you after I put him upstairs' look. They all backed off and Scott helped bring his best friend upstairs, putting him in bed and letting him sleep. The two of them made their way back downstairs and Lydia sat down in the Living room, where the whole pack was congregated together at this point.

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