Chapter 7

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"Anastasia?" Ray says with a surprised look when he sees me, I don't know why he's surprised, I live here

"Why are you here?" I asked him

"Your parents said I could stay over since I have nowhere else to stay"

Of course they did, curse you parents with manners

"Well I gotta do homework bye!" I said and pushed passed him towards my room before he grabbed my arm

"Anastasia stop being so dramatic I came here to apologize to you"

"Dramatic?Apologize? Now?" I started to raise my voice a little

"I know what I did was bad and I shouldn't of done it-"

"You kidnapped me, your sister right after I had just met you!" I yelled

"Look I'm sorry what was I supposed to do, they got into my head!" he yelled back

I jerked my arm away from his grip "Not kidnap your sister" I told him with tears in my eyes as I ran to my room and slammed the door

I plopped on my bed and just stayed there for a few seconds before screaming into my pillow in frustration. I felt like I was being dramatic but I didn't know how else to react to something like that. I heard the door open a few minutes later and didn't bother looking

"Hey sweetie"

Of course my dad had to come in now

"It's not a good time dad"

"I heard your fight with ray"

"You did?" I said as I sat up and turned to him

"Yes I'm sorry honey I didn't know that it was that serious between you two"

"It's fine its not like I ever told you how serious it was" mostly because I never thought that I'd have to think about it again

"Can I give you some advice though?" He asked


"Your gonna regret it if you never forgive him, even if he did something that bad, he obviously feels guilty for it and knowing how you are not good in those situations, unless someone else took pity on you, he probably helped save you" he said

"First of all, that is what happened, and second, you think I'm weak?"

"Honey I don't think you are weak I just know you don't get kidnapped every day so it's not like you would know how to get out of that situation. Anyways, just think about what I said" he said before leaving my room

How am I supposed to forgive him? I thought before I fell asleep

The next morning I looked at my clock

Crap! Only got 15 minutes! I need to stop staying up late and passing out, this family drama is hurting my education and my sleeping schedule

I threw on an outfit and left my hair down and wavy and raced out the door towards the car before jace left without me

I got to school and saw that Kara, Jess, and max were at my locker looking worried so I asked them what's wrong

"I heard ray came is that why you have looked like a mess?" Kara said

I nodded "sorta"

Her and Jess  engulfed me in a hug while Max stayed back

"Oh I'm so sorry I wish I would of known ray came I would've let you stay at my place"

"Who's ray? An ex?" I hear Scott say from behind me

"Her backstabbing biological brother" Jess replied. I gave her wide eyes and she just shrugged

"Biological? Your adopted?"

I rolled my eyes "yes Scott I'm adopted"

"I never knew"

"That's because I never told you, because I don't know you" I replied

The bell rang and I started walking to my first class

Scott sat by me again and kept looking at me like he wanted to say something

After a few minutes I turned to him and said "Spit it out Scott"

He hesitated for a moment then asked "It's just, is it hard being adopted?"

"No they are as close to me as a real family would be why?"

"I thought it would be hard since it's hard for the kids in the movies and stuff"

I rolled my eyes "you are so stupid"

"What? I'm sure other people would have thought that too" he said trying to defend himself

"Sure Scott sure"

It was lunch and when I went to the table and I saw Scott was over there already sitting in my spot

"Hey I sit there move please"

"No i like this spot I think I'll stay"

"Well you can't say I didn't try to be nice" I said before I pushed him off the seat then sat down in my spot

Kara and Jess looked at me with wide eyes


"Hey! You can't do that!" Scott said getting up and rubbing his bruised butt

"I just did" I replied as he moved to sit next to me

"You're mean"

"I know"

The rest of the school day was uneventful Scott was giving me the silent treatment because of what happened at lunch and so I walked to Jace's car and got in

"Hey sis how was school?"

"Same as always"

Now I just had to decide if I was going to forgive ray or continue to be miserable and mad at him, making it another awkward day at home

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