Chapter 16

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I got into class and sat next to Scott in my usual seat. I didn't have to make an effort to sit somewhere else now that we were fine. When I sat down though I could tell something was off with him

"Hey you excited for your date?" I heard Scott whisper to me

"You know about that?" I whispered back

"I figured he was going to finally ask you after making goo goo eyes at you practically all weekend and then dragged you off when I tried to talk to you" he said clenching his fist and his jaw

"Oh, well then yeah I am excited" I replied smiling

"Great" he said looking at me with a look I couldn't decipher

"Do you have a problem with that?" I asked

"No you can do whatever you want" he replied not looking at me

"Okay..." I said staring at him for a minute before turning my attention back to the assignment

For the rest of the day I got my work done for once without having something on my mind, besides what we were going to do for the date. I got home and texted Max asking if I needed to wear anything in particular. He replied saying that I should probably dress warm but anything would be fine.

Now the big question. Comfortable? Or uncomfortable? Hmmmmmmm why not try to do both ish. I decided to go with black jeans, converse, and a pink sweater (picture above)

By the time I had touched up my makeup and was putting lipgloss on the doorbell rang and I looked at the clock to see that it was 7

I ran downstairs before any of my siblings could open the door to potentially embarrass me and opened the door to see Max smiling with a rose in his hand, how cliché

I smiled up at him saying, "hi"

"Hello there date" he said giving me the rose and walking me out to his car

"So where are we going?" I asked while he started the car

"I told you it's a surprise you will just have to wait" he said While I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed

After sitting for 20 minutes in awkward silence because I wouldn't talk to him due to him not telling me where we were going like the five year old I was, he broke it saying, "we're here"

I looked around seeing that we were at a drive-in movie and smiled turning to him "you know I've always wanted to go to one of these"

"Of course, we do spend a lot of time together I would hope that I know what you like" he said laughing and getting out

It was nice, I was snuggled into him to keep warm and we were both enjoying the movie. I couldn't help but feel that this was too perfect, it was kind of boring and creepy, like I was waiting for something to happen. I mean just a few minutes alone with Scott and we were already arguing or teasing each other. I guess it was the fact that we were both watching a movie that we liked, maybe I'm just overthinking things because no one asks me on dates so I've never been on one

After the movie was over I was starting to clean up when I was stopped by Max who said, "what's the rush? You ready to leave already?"

"Well no I was just out of instinct cleaning up" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Well let's just sit here and talk, or we can go and eat. I want to spend more time with you" He said patting the spot next to him

Wow obsessed much? I wanted to say to him. However, I was polite and sat next to him not wanting to hurt his feelings, I was having a good time, why should it end?

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