Chapter 8

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I got home to see that Ray was packing up his things into his car and was about to get in before I jumped out of the car and yelled for him to wait


"Anastasia? What you want to yell at me some more?" Ray said turning around and crossing his arms

"No actually I wanted to forgive you, I'm kind of sick of being mad at my only biological sibling. Besides you did help me escape so thank you for that" I wasn't one to hold a grudge, just as long as this incident wasn't brought up continually

"Oh, well it was nothing I mean I kind of got you into that situation in the first place" he replied rubbing the back of his neck

"yeah let's not bring that up right now." And after a few seconds of awkward silence I opened my arms "so we gonna hug now or what?"

He chuckled and walked over to give me a hug

"Now that that's finally over can we go inside and watch the horror movie I rented for us to watch since mom and dad are not gonna be home tonight?" Jace said from behind us. Our parents have strange work hours sometimes like they work tonight but will be back around 6:30 the next morning then continue with their normal schedules.

Ray and I separated as he said "sure I love horror movies"

"This better not suck as much as the last one did jace" I said walking inside

"Hey! The cover looked scary!" Jace said trying to defend himself

Ray and I started laughing "why, was the other one so bad?" Ray asked

"Let me put it this way, I thought it was a comedy until jace told us that it was supposed to be a horror movie" I answered making him laugh

We all walked into the kitchen to Rose looking super happy "You two finally made up!" She said as she ran over and hugged me. She probably watched from the window like the nosy person she is

"Yeah yeah it's no big deal" I said as I tried to push her away from me which just made her squeeze tighter

"Need....air.....can't..... breath" I said gasping for air

"Heh sorry sis" she said finally letting me go

Jace started making popcorn and the rest of us walked over to the couch to start the movie

It was actually scary. Really scary. I kept hiding my face behind the pillow and jumping every time something would jump out while jace and ray would laugh at me and I would glare at them, while they avoided my gaze

We all fell asleep on the couch after the movie and woke up to mom and dad walking through the door

"Good morning!" My mom said in a cheery tone and we all groaned

"What time is it?" I asked

"It's 6:30"

Rose popped up from the couch "I need to get ready!" She said running into her room

I got off the couch and walked up to my room throwing on some jeans and a sweater. I also did my hair in a waterfall braid deciding to not put makeup on

I walked downstairs and grabbed a granola bar "Ray will you give me a ride to school today?"

"Sure sis I'll be right out"

I walked out to his car and he came out soon unlocking it and I stepped into it

"Nice car" I said as he got in

"Thanks Charon gave it to me as a going away present"

"So you left there for good?" I asked Turning to him

"I know I will probably be there again but I am taking a long break from it. I left at the end of summer"

"Oh, how did you know where I lived?" I said turning and facing the road

"It took a lot of convincing but I eventually made him believe that you said I could stay with you but you forgot to give me your address before you left because you left so quickly"


We got to school and I stepped out of the car noticing Kara at the front waiting for me. I walked over to her and we started walking to my locker

"So I guess you two made up huh?" She asked raising her eyebrows


"He is kind of cute" she said . I rolled my eyes at her


"What? I'm just saying you have good genes" she said shrugging her shoulders

When we got to my locker Hailey and her minions were standing at it waiting for me

"Did you guys need something?" I asked opening my locker

"You need to back off of Scott he's mine and if you don't you will regret it" Haley snapped at me. Wow straight to the point I guess

"First of all, I am not scared of you. Second, he needs to back off of me he's the one who keeps talking to me, I don't have any interest in him" I snapped back at her

"You should be scared, you have no idea what I am capable of" She said glaring at me and then walking off with her minions following after her

I rolled my eyes telling Kara "She means what her daddy can do" Hailey's dad is a big shot business man who owns multiple hotels and she's daddy's little girl

"I agree with you on that one, she's all bark and her dad bites, well I better head to class" Kara said waving goodbye to me and walking towards her class while I headed to mine

I sat down and saw that Scott sat next to me again. I shouldn't be surprised at this point, He didn't bother me but he started fidgeting like he wanted to say something to me again and it was becoming annoying

"Spit it out Scott"

"Oh uhhh just I ummmmm it's nothing" he said but continued to squirm

"It's obviously something just tell me Scott"

"I'm just sorry"


"Looking so good I mean you have to deal with seeing this everyday" he said turning to me with a smirk

I rolled my eyes "don't you mean looking so bad I have to try and not throw up everyday?"

"Oh come on princess I don't look that bad " he said pouting

"Oh yes you do I have to not eat that much in the morning just so I don't barf when I see you" I said turning to him

"That fidget thing is also annoying, just tell me things, it's not cute" I told him before turning my attention back to the board

He pouted and turned to face forward in his seat after saying "and I thought you actually started to like seeing me"

"In your dreams Scottie" I said

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