Wax Museum

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I, Tom Hiddleston, loves dancing so much. I will dance everywhere anywhere anytime. Even in my own flat. In the morning.

I slide and slide on the wood floor, got my headphones loud, and I'm singing and dancing away.

Cat woke up, she took a shower, changed into jeans and shirt. Combed her hair to smooth it. "I'm thinking to dye my hair, my ginger hair is pissing me off." She walks downstairs and saw Tom dancing.

"Tom, what are you doing?" She chuckles. "I'M DANCING!!!" I yells loudly because his music is already up. He moonwalks. "You're such a child, Tom." I chuckles and dances. "DANCE WITH ME!!!" She shook her head.

I slide over to her but I accidently slipped and did a split. I yelp. "Ughhh!" I hold my crotch. I, Tom Hiddleston, hurt myself. I chuckles. "Silly me." I whimpers, I slowly stand up and she helps me.

"Cat, can you go get me a ice pack." She chuckles. "Sure, old man." I smirks,I slowly sit down on the couch, lay my head on the couch, I'm in pain. My balls hurt, I did a fucking spilt and she's right, I'm such a old man. I'm 36 years old and she's 23 years old. 11 years old.

She came back with the ice pack and throw it at my crotch, I groans. "Aren't you a stubborn woman." Cat chuckles. "Of course I am and I intend to be like that forever and stop dancing, you're getting old and you just hurt yourself." She sits down next to me and rubs my back.

I coughs. "Well uhh, I was thinking to go to a Madame Tussauds Wax Museum today. I'll be fine now." I smile softly at her. "Oh, that sounds fun!"

I got up, grab my keys and my coat and I slowly walk to my car. "Are you sure you're fine?" I just nods and we in my car. We both put on our seatbelts. I started driving down the road of London, people are crazy, driving really fast. I try to be calm. For her, of course.

It was 27 minutes of driving from home to the museum.

"Well here we are, its very beautiful inside." We walk inside and explore the whole building. We saw Benedict Cumberbatch, Andrew Scott, Troy Beaker, Samuel L. Jackson, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki, Chris Hemsworth, then to me.

She scoffs, "Everything looks wrong, the eyes, the nose, the hair, where's the scar? Where's the cheekbones? The jawline also is a little off." My face drops and I frowns, I started pouting also. "But darling, I look so handsome!" She shook her head. "Everything is wrong, it doesn't even look like you and I hate it. It pisses me off. It makes me angry."

We started walking away from my wax self and he saw girls kissing my wax self's cheek and is taking a picture. "Why can't you be like them?!" She rolls her eyes at me and started walking away. "Cat Sheehan!!!" She put her middle finger up at him.

"Cat, wait up!" He starts running after her but he stops running for a few seconds because his balls hurts. "Ugh, shit!" I whispers and found a bench to sit down.

She came back for me. "Look who came back, you must have love me?" I tease her and chuckles. She sighs and roll her eyes again. "Nah, old man, I'm taking you to the hospital. You're hurt."

She helps me get up from my bench and took me to my car. "Can you drive? Do you know how to drive? I don't think I can drive because of my situation." She just nods at me and helps me get in the passenger seat and puts on my seatbelt. "Thank you, Cat." She gets in the car and drove me to the hospital.

"This is embarrassing." I blush and chuckles nervously. "Well if you hadn't hurt yourself, we wouldn't be driving to the hospital." She chuckles. 'Her laugh makes me happy. I love it.' I thought.

We arrived at the hospital and she helps me out. "Thank you again, Cat." I smiles. "Its no problem, Tom." We walk inside the hospital and she made an appointment for me as I sit down in the waiting room. She came back and sits down next to me.

"They said it will take awhile to check you since there's a lot of patients today in the hospital." I just smiles and nods.

It took 2 hours for a doctor to see me. I hate hospitals. It always take so long but I got to admit, I'm thankful for doctors who are good at their job.

A young nurse, probably in their 20s or 30s calls me. "Mr. Hiddleston, the doctor will see you now." I stood up slowly and walks towards the nurse. To be honest, the nurse is pretty hot. The nurse leads me to the first room on the right and I lay down on the examination table.

"How did you hurt your balls, Mr.Hiddleston?" I was about to speak but Cat beat me to her. She's such a stubborn woman yet I like her. 3rd day with her.

"Tom Hiddleston was dancing in the morning in his very own flat. He really loves dancing. As he was sliding on the wood floor towards me, he slipped and did a slipt and that's how he hurt his balls." The nurse chuckles and I blushes.

"Um, Mr.Hiddleston, may you take off your pants and boxers, so I can check if your balls is broken or not." I nods and do what the nurse says. Cat looks away and I laughs. "Embarrassed to look at me?" I tease her and smirks. "No, its just weird since we only known each other for 3 days." "Its fine, Cat, plus I feel like your my friend already." We both blushed at the same time.

The nurse starts to massage my balls. I starts to moans but I covered my mouth right away. Cat looks at me, she started chuckling quietly. I blushed.

"Alright, thankfully, it isn't broken, just a little sore. I will give you meds so you don't have to feel the pain." I chuckles. "Thank you, Ms.Stone." She gave me the meds and we walk out of there. Cat was laughing so much. "You naughty old man!" I laughs to.

We got back home and we were already exhausted. I waited for Cat to go to sleep. I need that nurse again. I get so horny just thinking about her.

Cat finally sleeps at midnight and I grab my coat and keys as I sneak out, I went back to the hospital.

"Ms.Stone, hello." He winks at her. "Oh, Mr.Hiddleston, what are you doing here?" She blushed and he locks the door. "I can't get you out of my head, I need you!" He grins as he was unzipping his pants.
It was morning and Tom came back home at 10:00 AM and Cat is already awake, chuckling to herself. Tom walk inside quietly.

"Hold it right there, old man!" He looks down embarrassed. "You're such a naughty, old man." She chuckles. "But seriously she's ugly. An ugly saggy ass nurse." He chuckles and kisses her head. "Fuck you, stubborn Cat." "Fuck you too, Hiddleston." They both chuckles. What a morning!

He cooked breakfast for her. He took care of her. He did everything for her because he thinks he's falling for her quick.

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