Its So Dark...

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It was a Tuesday evening...It was very dark, but where am I? Am I dreaming? Did he came back? If so, where am I? I need an answer, vision. I got to admit I was very scare. Is my Tommy injured? It could be even worse. He could be dead. My past...My fucking past!!! I shouldn't have fallen for him. I shouldn't have let Kathy written that letter to Tom. I put him in danger!!! Want a flashback? I give you one.

Hello, Cat here. Actually my full first name is Cathriona Sheehan. But for short is Cat. Anyway, sorry, I was distracted. So I been kidnapped by my ex Darren, he, of course, hates Tom Hiddleston, he dumped me because I keep talking about him in our relationship but now he's back and is jealous that I'm hanging out with him now.

So I was at home with Tom, drinking tea, it was July 25. Tuesday. Tuesday evening, we were watching Doctor Who all day long. Also very excited for The 13th Doctor. Jodie Whittaker, impress me please! Anyway, Tom and I fall asleep on each other and we didn't realize that the alarm went off throughout the house.

I tried to wake up Tom but he didn't wake up. I keep shaking and shaking him but he never wake up. As I smack his head, I saw blood on my hands. Did he got knock out? Well I did. Someone put a black bag over my head so I won't know where I'm going to bed.

This is bad, how will Tom find me now. He could be dead by now...So yes, I got kidnapped by my psycho ex-boyfriend. And I probably die after. Fuck my life.

So yes, I got kidnapped and I still don't know where I am, as far as I know, I'm tie up and I can't take the fucking black bag off my head. So maybe we're not the lucky ones after all.

I heard a evil laugh, like you know, Joker's laugh, but it was way scarier than that. My heartbeat starts racing and I'm sweating a lot. My chest starts to hurt. I'm breathing so fast. I got goosebumps!

He chuckles loudly next to me. "Cathriona, miss me?" Shit, a Sherlock reference. Anyway, I'm really scare, am I going to get a heart attack? "I can't believe you went to him, Cathriona, I thought you love me?" He strokes your cheeks and he finally take off the black bag.

I glare up at him. "Ohh, I should of fucking know!!!!" I spit on his face. He back slap me. "Don't you dare disrespect me!!! You brought this on yourself!!! You should of fucking listen to me!!!" He yells really loud on top of his lungs.

He rubs his temple so angry. "I'm so going to punish you, Cathriona!" He takes your phone. "You don't need this anymore, bitch." He grins evilly. "NO! THAT phone been my life!!!" He put a duct tape on my mouth. "Not anymore. It won't be in your life. So will be Tom, he won't be in your life ever. Only me, you got it, bitch!" I just nods and he walks away with my phone and close the door. It was dark again...

I started crying. I mumble. "I'm sorry, Tom. I'm so sorry, its my fault that I got close to you, I really shouldn't. Now I..." My chest starts to hurt.
Tom's P.O.V.
"Ugh...Cat, what happened? Its like I'm hangover." He groans and slowly sit up. "Cat?" He panicked. He checks every room for you. "CAT!!!" He touch his head and saw blood. "Shit. Cat....She got kidnapped."

He called the police to do a search party. "She must be close around here, officer!!!" Tom yelled. "Stop it! Do your job right! I care for her so much. She's my best friend. She's not JUST a fan, she's my best friend!"

He runs around London. Every parts of it. Its July 26. Wednesday...Rainy morning. Gloomy day. "CAAAAATTTTT!!!!" He cries out. "I..." The officer interrupt him. "Mr.Hiddleston come quick!!!"

He runs up to an abandoned warehouse but where's the rest of the officers? "Shouldn't we wait for your crew?" The officer shook his head. "No! I found your best friend in there." Tom runs in and found Cat all beat up, she couldn't speak very well. She's bleeding a lot.

He rushed by your side. "Cat! Who did this?!" She tried to speak but she couldn't, she just points to the officer and the officer chuckles evilly. "Nicely job to be in my trap, Mr.Hiddleston?" He clasps his hands.

Tom glare at him. "Who the fuck are you?! And why the fuck would you beat up a beautiful woman! Now you just made mess with the wrong person here!" Shit, well here's Jonathan Pine here.

Tom glare at him. "So who are you?!" He chuckles. "Darren Dee. I'm Cat's boyfriend. Well ex." He chuckles and Tom made his hands into a fist. "Thank god for the role of Jonathan Pine." Darren grab his knife out. "Well your gonna die and I'm now going to be in her life." Tom shook his head.

Darren made his first move. He tries to stab Tom in the stomach. But Tom jumps back. "Wow you're so easy, Darren!" Tom chuckles. Darren getting mad. Darren tries to slash his thighs but Tom uppercut Darren and he keeps punching him until he's dead. "NEVER EVER HURT MY BEST FRIEND, CAT!!!" He cries out.

He runs to your side and untie you. "I'm going to take you to the hospital." He carried you and runs to the hospital.
Cat is resting in her hospital bed. Tom is holding her hand tightly. He didn't sleep at all. He just watch her and he knows what's he's going to do tomorrow. He smiles and chuckles at the thought. "I will always protect you, Cat." He kisses your forehead and lay down on the couch and hugs his pillow.

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