Can You See Through Me?

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3rd P.O.V./Its 4 weeks now
Cat woke up very early, she put on her clothes. Jeans and shirt. She walks downstairs, to the kitchen, she made her tea and Tom's. She also decided to make breakfast for him.

Tom woke up and walk downstairs very exhausted. "Morning, Cat." He rubs his eyes and sit down on the counter, sipping his tea. Earl Gray. "Breakfast smells fantastic." He smiles softly.

She turns around and nearly drop her tea. "Tom...? Where's your shirt." She gulps. He looks down and chuckles. "Wow, I didn't even realized it, I'm sorry." He walks back upstairs and she covers her face. "Fuck me, I'm blushing and...and, I just saw his beautiful marvelous abs." She bit her lips. "I'm falling for him quick."

He came back downstairs. With a shirt, of course. "Sorry, about that, Cat." He sits down in his chair and starts eating his breakfast. "I'll cook for you tomorrow." She nods and sips her tea.

"So what are we going to do today, Tom?" He looks up at her and thinks. "Well, I guess you can come with me to work. See me play Loki in 'Thor Ragnorok'. I don't really want to leave you alone here in my flat." Her eyes lit up. "Wait, really?!" He smiles and nods. "Oh thank you so much, Tom!" She hugs him so tight and blush. "Sorry, I got excited because I love Loki so much." He chuckles. "Its fine."

He got up and walks to his kitchen and clean the dishes. "You should really changed into a warm clothes because its going to rain todah. Typical London."

She nods and walk upstairs to her bedroom. "I wonder what's it like to wear one of his clothes?" She's thinking to go to his bedroom. "Should I or not?" She's pacing back and forth. "This is a tough decision." She chuckles to herself. "Fuck this shit, I'm doing it."

She quietly walks to his bedroom and digs around his closet and found a black long sleeve Loki and put it on. "Does he know how to wash his clothes or no? Its shrinking." She laughs, as she was about to leave, she bump into Tom. "Shit, I'm sorry." She blushes and covers her face.

He chuckles, "Its fine, Cat." He checks her out. "Wearing my Loki long sleeve, hmm?" He smiles softly. "I...I just want to try it, I'm sorry." "Its fine, Cat, you can have it, its getting too small for me." She chuckles. "Do you know how to wash your clothes?" He blushes and covers his face. "No, I don't, actually, I have my mum do it for me." She tries to keep her laughter in but nope, she laughs way too hard. "Shut up, stubborn Cat."

He walks to the bathroom and changed into his white button up shirt and tight black pants.

Her eyes widen. "Oh wow, like in the comic con." He laughs. "The way he threatened to me if I didn't come. He says If you don't come, I punch you in the dick." He laughs and smiles.

"Well shall we go to the set." She nods and walk downstairs, he grabbed his keys and coat. He walks outside and opens the door for her and she gets in, he slides over the hood of his jaguar and gets in his car. "Tom, your going to hurt yourself again. Be careful." She chuckles. "That was one time hurting my dick!" She laughs way too hard.

He drives off on the road of London. London is amazing. Even at night. I explore London with Tom. Every parts of it on only just one month and its ending soon. Just 4 days until my birthday. Its July 27 and today is July 23. And now we're spending it at the set of Thor Ragnorok.
He park his car and helps you get out of the car. "Um can you wait in my office, I just need to get in my outfit. I come back for you, I promise." He leads you to his office. "There's food in there, if you want to eat." She just nods and smiles.

He walks to his trailer and let them do his makeup, he put on his outfit. He smiles. "Loki is back, bitches." He walks back to his office and open the door slowly and quietly. He coughs out. "Kneel, mortal." Her eyes widen and do what she been told. He chuckles. "Ahh, a loyalist to Loki, huh?" She just nods and is speechless right now.

"Lets go, Cat." She follows Tom out to the set. She's amazed of the set. "Wow. Asgard is dead. I hope you won't die, Loki." He shook his head. "Nope, I'm going to be in Avengers:Infinity War Part 1 and hopefully in Avengers:Infinity War Part 2." He smiles softly and she's squealing inside. She just dies a little.

The director said 5 minutes until we begin. "Alrighty, you can sit in my chair next to Doctor Strange seat." He smiles and walks away to the set.

The first scene was Loki in chains and in a new suit. "Surprise." He grins mischievously at Thor, Valkyrie, and the Incredible Hulk. "Brother, I need your help." "Oh wow, you were so desperate to come for me for help." He chuckles evilly. "Please, brother, help me defeat Hela." He glares. "Am I hearing this right?! Hela is realize from Hel?! My sister?!" Thor just nods.

Cat couldn't stop squealing. The director said, "Alright, that's a wrap for today! We'll start the next scene on Wednesday!" Tom walks over to you and smiles. "So how do I do?" "Sassy Loki is back!!!" He chuckles so hard. "I miss my old suit. I hate the new one. I miss green and gold." She agrees with him.

"Well lets go home." He walks to his office and takes off his Loki outfit and put on his clothes and walks out with you to his car. Cat and Tom gets in his car and drives off to his flat.

This night was fantastic. First time seeing him act in person makes my heart flutters, I love it! And I love him even more, but too scare to confess. What if he doesn't like me? What if he likes someone else instead of me. I'm thinking ahead to conclusion. I need to stop.

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