Vacation with a new friend

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Val's POV
Since that conversation at Mickeys Diner we all got together with Mary. When we met her it was like we've known her forever. Today we are all flying out to the Dominican Republic. I was packing the car when Mary came out. She said "hey Val, Kennleys crying. I'm gonna go change her and give her a bottle." I said "alright thank you so much." She smiled and said "of course." I finished packing the car and went back in the house and saw everyone dressed (pictures below). I said "well it looks like everyone is excited for vacation. Let's all get in the car and get to the airport." 20 minutes later we were sitting at the airport waiting to board the plane. Mary was playing with Kason and I was holding Hazel. Kylie was holding Kennley who was asleep and Josiah was playing with Hayden on the iPad. We all took a picture and I put it on Instagram with the caption "just off on another trip with my little family. Missing Sharna more now then usual but have a new friend Ms.Mary, she's like a grandparent to the kids and she is amazing with them. I'm going to enjoy our vacation💕." I was scrolling through Instagram when Maks called me.
V: hey bro what's up?
M: you and the kids should come back to New Jersey.
V: No we need a clean start without Sharna being here.
M: whatever bro, your kids are missing out on family.
V: they aren't, everyone else from the show is still out here. There our family too.
M: whatever bye.
~end call
Kylie said "who was that dad?" I said "your uncle maks. He wants us to move back to New Jersey. I told him no and he tried yelling at me." She said "he is always trying to get us back there. We like it out here why doesn't he understand that." I said "he just wants us all together." She just shook her head. A few minutes later we were called to board the plane. Kylie and Josiah sat with Kennley, Hayden Kason and I sat together and Mary and Hazel sat together. The plane ride was about 5 hours. Kason fell asleep almost right away. Hayden played on the iPad and Hazel and Kennley both fell asleep and Kylie and Josiah fell asleep. I said "so Hayden do you want to do homeschool so that you can focus on your gymnastics more?" He said "yeah, I wanna do good at gymnastics." I just smiled and kissed his forehead. I ended up falling asleep a few minutes later.
~5 hours later
Kylie's POV
We just landed in the Dominican. Kennley slept on me most of the time. We decided to go to the beach when we got checked into the room. I got Kennley dressed. Dad got Kason dressed and Mary got Hazel dressed. Josiah helped Hayden get ready (pictures are below). When we were all ready I said "wait we need a selfie." I got my phone out and was holding Hazel, dad held Kason, Josiah held Kennley and Mary held Hayden. I took the picture and decided to put it on Instagram with the caption "beach trips are definitely going to be different without mom. But we know she wants us to have fun. Enjoying the week with family💕." We got to the beach and Kennley ended up falling asleep on Josiahs chest. I took a picture and put it on Instagram with the caption "two of my favorite people. Kennley fell asleep within 5 minutes of walking to the beach💕." Dad took her from him and we went down to the water. We were talking and he said something funny. He looked at me holding my hand and we both busted up laughing. Then he said "on a serious note if I were to ask you to marry me right here right now would you say yes?" I said "well yeah, I mean we're only 18 but I couldn't imagine you not being in my life." He smiled and said "ok." Then he kissed my head. We went back to the towels and I saw my phone had a picture of us standing there at the water. I looked at my dad and he just smiled. I put the picture on Instagram with the caption "wouldn't to smile and laugh 24/7 365 days a year with any one else but you. I love you more than anything. Thank you for being my rock for the past couple of months. Thank you for being my family💕💕."


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