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Kylie's POV
I've been sick for the past few mornings. I thought I was just sick from being home from vacation but it's not going away. I was making breakfast and Josiah was playing with the kids. I was making French toast and bacon and all of a sudden I got a rush of nausea. I turned the stove off and ran into the bathroom. A few seconds later I felt a hand on my back. Josiah said "babe, what's wrong?" I said "I think I might be pregnant. I'm 2 weeks late." He said "did you make a doctors appointment?" I said "not yet, I'm gonna call after breakfast." He said "alright. We can take the kids with us." I went back to the kitchen and finished breakfast. I had Josiah bring the kids in and we got all of them in there seats. We gave them there food and got them each milk. Kennley is starting to eat solid foods we just have to cut it up good for her. I decided to go call the doctor. I ended up getting an appointment for this afternoon. So after breakfast we got all the kids ready and got in the car and headed out. We were in traffic for about 20 minutes. Luckily we left in plenty of time. When we got to the office a nurse took us to a private room so that we didn't have to worry about the kids being to loud. I filled out paperwork and a nurse came in and did an ultrasound. She said "well it looks like you are indeed pregnant. I looked at Josiah and he smiled at me. The nurse said "your about 5 months pregnant. So we can tell you what the baby is? Would you like to know?" We looked at each other and agreed we wanted to know. She said "well it looks like your having a little girl." I smiled and Josiah kissed me. He said "another little princess to love on." I smiled at him.
~4 months Later
Josiah's POV
"Hey Princess Laken, welcome to the world. Mommy and daddy love you little bug." Laken Taylor made her debut at 7:00 on April 12, weighing in at 6lbs 8oz and was 20 inches long. Hayley and Derek brought the kids in to see her. Kennley looked at her and gave her the sweetest kiss on the head. Hazel was obsessed and the boys loved on her.
~2 days later
Kylie's POV
Today we get to take our little Princess Laken home. Josiah was getting the car so I got her dressed in a white long sleeve onesie with a blue design on it. Then I wrapped her up in a floral swaddle. Josiah came in with the car seat. I said are two of my favorite girls ready to go home with the rest of my favorite people. I laughed and said "yeah we're ready to go home." He took her from me and kissed her head and put her in the seat. I got the diaper bag and my bag and he grabbed my hand. I said "let's go home." We got in the car and I was looking on my phone when I got a text from aunt Hayley. It was a picture of Josiah holding Laken and me in the background smiling at them. I put it on Instagram with the caption "princess Laken already has her daddy wrapped around her finger. Ready to go home and be with our other babies💕." Josiah said "hey babe, I'm gonna stop at Chik fil a so we don't have to cook." I said "alright, just get everyone there usual. I want a sweet tea." He said "I'm on it, I'll just go through the drive in." I said "no go in it'll go quicker." He said "alright. I'll be back."
Josiah's POV
I went into Chik fil a I stood in line for 10 minutes until I got up front. The cashier said "hello sir, what can I get you." I said "I'll get 2 chicken salad sandwiches, 4 12 piece chicken nuggets and 2 large fries, and 2 sweet teas and 2 medium cherry cokes." She said "is that everything?" I said "yes ma'm." I paid and then went and stood to wait for my order. 15 minutes later I had everything and went to the car. I put the food in the back seat, and handed the drink carrier to Kylie. She said "that took a while." I said "it was really busy." She shook her head. 5 minutes later we pulled into the driveway. Hayley and Derek were watching the kids for us. I got out and got the car seat out and helped Kylie out. Derek came out and I said "hey can you grab the drinks from Ky and the food out of the backseat for me?" He said "of course." We went in the house and Hayley was in the kitchen. She said "hey the kids were great. They're all in the living room playing." I said "thank you guys so much for watching them for us." They both said "of course anytime." They gave us each a hug and then went and said goodbye to the kids and left." Hazel ran into the kitchen and Kylie picked her up. She said "I missed you mommy." Kylie said "I missed you to nugget. Can you go tell everyone to come out to the kitchen we have Chik fil a." She put her down and Hazel ran into the living room. Hayden ran in first, then Hazel and then Kason and Kennley. I picked Kennley and Kason up and put them in there seats. We got them there food and then Kylie got Laken out of her car seat and put her in her bouncer. We were eating and I said so I hear you guys we're good." Hayden said "yeah, I read Hazel a bedtime story at night." I said "thanks bubba, I'm sure she enjoyed that." I said "I'm gonna need you to help out a little bit for a few weeks until we can get Laken settled into a routine." He said "okay daddy."
~Later that night
Kylie's POV
"Hey babe, can you go get Kennley for me. I'm gonna go give her a bath. He said "alright babe." He brought her in to the bathroom for me and I undressed her. I put her in the tub and got her hair wet and washed it. After I finished I put her in a pink long sleeve shirt that had a sheep on it with matching pants. I carried her into her bedroom and sat on the chair and read her a story and then put her to bed. 

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