Part 1: Let's start decorating

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 I sank my canines into the grey fur of the rogue I had been fighting. The soft fur that surrounded his neck. I clamped my teeth down and sank them deeper and deeper into his throat. The rogue was threshing violantly under me, doing anything in its power to break free from my death grip on him.

I kept a steel grip on him untill the threshing stopped and the rogue went limb into my mouth. I let go and the rogue fall dead to the ground. I quickly turned around to see my fellow pack members and saw they were all doing good in their fights. I looked further and saw that my alpha was in trouble.

The dark grey, almost black fur of my alpha's wolf was covered in dirt and blood. No doubt it was the blood of the rogues. As my alpha faced a rogue, another sneaked up on my alpha.

"Your right!" I shouted to my alpha through our pack mind link.


"Your right!"

The voice of my beta Jonathan shouted through our pack mind link. I wasn't exactly in the perfect position at the moment to take on two rogue's at once. Placing full trust in my judgement of placement I imagened in my head where the second rogue was and placed myself with my back toward it, baiting it to attack me.

I growled and bared my teeth to the rogue in front of me. I'm either doing a good job at intimidating it or it's just waiting for the other rogue to jump on me. Althought that is exactly what I want to happen.

I turned my head a little and as I expected I saw the rogue behind me jump up from the corner of my eye. I jumped up and kicked him with my backpaws just like a horse would hit somthing behind him. The rogue got thrown back and I jumped on the rogue infront of me.

He must have been stunned with what I did to his fellow rogue because he didn't resist untill it was to late. I clamped my jaw shut around the rogue's neck hearing a satisfying crack as his neck broke and he went limb into my mouth. I let go of the limb body and turned around to see the other rogue trying to make a run for it. Big mistake on his part, he's not going to outrun an alpha wolf.

I sprinted after the rogue as I heard my fellow pack members follow me. It didn't take long before I had caught up to the rogue. I didn't feel like playing with my prey today. I made a sly wolfgrin when the rogue looked aside and looked me straight in the eye. With that I gave a final push so I was running side by side with him and clamped my teeth into his neck. After a little struggle the rogue went limb into my mouth and I let it go.

I looked back as I saw my beta run up to me and change back into human form. His dark brown hair was messy and covered his chocolat brown eyes. He was in great shape but than again, we all are. He didn't even bother to cover himself up, why would he anyway? We're wolf shifter we are used to nudity.

"So, bury at the usual place?" He cocked an eyebrow at me waiting for an awnser. I've had enough of these rogues trying to cross my territory. They have more than enough space between packs to run around in. The things these rogues had done could not be forgiven this easely

I closed my eyes and felt my body shift. I opened my one dark blue eye and my white, blind eye when I felt my slightly curled, long silver hair hit my back and cover my breasts as I shifted back into my human form. Yes I was blind in my right eye even though i'm a wolf shifter, deal with it.

Jonathan slightly shifted in his position, if I was him I probably would do the same. I mean, he's 28 and mated while I'm 15 and his alpha. Though he has the body of a 20 year old. Pro for being a wolf shifter, enchanted aging of the body.

"No" I said as I let a sly smirk take my lips. He frowned in confusion and looked at me questionably.

"No?" He said raising an eyebrow.

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