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its 22 degrees in england that is and I'm boiling good thing i have an ice cream. where does everyone else live? not in a creepy way like whats your nation


its been a week since are last case and naru is the same. though occasionally we do sleep together, but not in the sexual way. umm.... (blushing) dirty viewers.

we, being me, lin and naru had just entered the SPR building before naru was attacked by a screeching female. who could not keep her arms of him. i was beyond irritated.

"wow, such a cutie. you single? well, you aren't any more." she continued in her annoying high pitched voice while press up against naru. naru just gave her a cold glare which made it worse. she started to screech about "how that cold glare just gets me- oh" 

"e-hem" i cough trying to stop her, it was really getting on my nerves not only that naru was doing nothing to stop her. But i went unheard which did not help my mood, so i sat on the sofa with a book while lin retreated quickly to his office. leaving me in the room with the unidentified female and naru. who still made no attempt to remove her arms from around him.

"i'm guessing you are Amber Tumaki." naru says to the girl, meaning they have talked before. great. 

"yes, yes, thats me darling. Are you going to take my case?" she replys in a pitch that i didn't expect possible. if she is a client that explains why he's not removing her but still its really not making me feel any better. Naru only nodded before he finally pulled away from her and sat by his desk. The woman sat on the sofa opposite me and gave me a devious smirk. why that.... before i could finish monk and mai came in. monk took the sit next to me, a bit closer than normal. before he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Are u jealous? How about we return the favour" he then moves away while I give him a smirk.

I look around to see naru looking at me and monk with a glare. Ah I see that was just to annoy him, but why would he be annoyed in the first place?

monk gives me one of his goofy smiles before he puts an arm around my shoulder and sits back into the sofa. naru was furious and Amber noticed and quickly picked up his attention. "my case, when are you gonna come down" 


Amber was having problems with an old man spirit who had hurt multiple visitors she had i her home. naru was taken with the case and by 24 hours we were off and away down to the coast where her beach house lays.

"welcome to paradise kiss, come this way. ill show you to your rooms." a older man dressed as a butler said.  "ah which one of ya is a mr Shibuya?" which naru then said he was. The butler said naru had a room on the top floor which was coincidentally next to amber's. naru gave a face when he was told, he looked helpless. "everyone else room is on the second. And i warn ya, no one is to go up to the attic." he said starring into my eyes, he caused on em before walking us into the house.

"oh, HE'S here, he's here!" was heard from upstair before loud thuds came from above. soon Amber appeared from the staircase and ran up to naru, tackling him into a hug. monk suddenly puts a arm round my shoulders causing me to look up at him, he gives me a reassuring smile which i smile back at.

with amber round naru, and monk with me. The others follow confused as we're shown to are rooms and then to are new base. mai and lin bring the equipment in, i went and looked around. By the time i had gotten to the third floor, a door i sensed a lot of spiritual power from appeared in my sight.

i opened it and saw stairs leading up, which would be lead to the attic. The butler did say not to go up... but if theirs this amount of aura coming from there, it could be dangerous. before i could say anything else, two hands came from behind, one on my mouth and the other restrained my hands. I found myself roughly ragged up the stairs before being slammed down onto the floor. 

When i look up, i see no one but an empty room with a camera in the corner. The room was very bare, but the walls looked like it was covered in blood and scratches from a beast. It was very intimidating. Another thing i noticed was the charm on the wall which on closer inspection was a false charm. so the spiritual power i sensed was fake, that means it was too lure me hear. i quickly run to the door, in hopes to leave but the door was locked.

"this was planned" i say through gritted teeth.


mai's pv (surprise- i won't do a naru pv as its hard to figure out how he thinks etc...)

"hey naru, all the equipment's brought in." yeah, thanks for the help, narcissist jerk.

"tea mai" his the only reply i get and lets say if it wasn't for monk holding me back then i would of done something. 

"hey, anyone seen Ayano. It's been awhile since we've seen her." monk says realising.

"oh Ayano, she said she wasn't feeling well and went to her room." Amber says coming in through the doorway. something just isn't right about her and the way she hangs on naru it irritating.


Ayano pv

i been sat here for more than an hour, surely someones noticed I'm gone by now... I've done everything sing, push the door and even tried breaking the windows. This room must be sealed by some power otherwise i should've been able to get out by now. 

suddenly a screen flashes on and typing appears.

Ayano Fuwa, 17.... profile: dark raven hair and purple eyes. rare trait for a songstress. back ground: house fire. But that isn't quite true now is it?

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