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upon waking, finding myself in naru's arms was a shocker, obviously forgetting the other night. until i remembered the kiss, wonder what made him kiss me? i stared at him a little until i worked out naru didn't answer me last night, only he avoided it by kissing me. why that sneaky.... i didn't get to finish as a certain narcissist decided to wake up.

"your sly Kazuya, so what made you kiss Amber?" i ask propping myself up with my hand to look at naru. i watched him carefully, he could be one of the player types. But looking at naru right now, he was beyond cute and so not the player type. i mean so far naru's shown himself to be a hopeless romantic.

He face became soft and regretful? when he spoke to me. "i wasn't in control off my body Ayano, if i was i wouldn't have done such a thing. I believe Amber has an ability of sorts which would explain why x had use for her." While explaining he lay back on the bed as if drained of energy and closed his eyes. It was then i decided to take my leave as quietly as could. i was able to get away with out him noticing but it was the fact lin was outside about to knock. Awkward...

"u-umm h-hi lin, i so did not sleep in naru's room" smooth Ayano, Smooth. i metalling kick myself and awkwardly move to my room to shower and get changed. Breakfast was awkward to say the least, i was beside myself, i piled coffee down me and managed to knock over a pile off books on the way out breaking a lamp.

"so any interesting cases come in?" i ask trying to break the silence while in the car. lin comments a no while naru can't seem to take his eyes off me. your not helping me naru, I'm even more nervous now. who knows I'm probably going to trip on air the moment i get out with my morning so far.

Naru grabbed my hand just before we entered his office, we were later then normal so everyone should already be here. "I can't have monk thinking he can have you now" he says placing a kiss on my hand delicately. i blush in response before responding jokingly. "could say the same for the other girls, who knows what they'll do to me when they see me hold hands let alone kiss" he smiles at my comment before pushing the door open and leading me in. Lin watching the exchange with a small smile which i caught quickly.

"Ayako, your tea-" mai was mid handing a cup of tea over before dropping it and a shocked look on her face. She like everyone else had there eyes on naru's enclosed hand on mine. Mai noticing what she had dropped. "oh, sorry Ayako. i'll make you a new one." she quickly leaves the room and i was tempted to go after her to check she was alright. my hand tightened around naru's as we let go and i sat in the spare arm chair. 

"congrats guys" monk says to me with a smile. "although, i'm slightly annoyed i missed my chance. naru, you hurt her. i'll hex you to oblivion." his smile turning into a threatening glare in naru's direction. John and Ayako soon join in with the congratulations before i see a miss Hara across the room glaring at me.

Shortly after a knock came to the door, and Yasu peered in. if i remember correctly i met him on my first case here in Tokyo. i cringe at the thought of that case before moving to ask what we can help with.

"well my schools having a bit of paranormal difficulty." he says pleading SPR to take the case. I look at naru who looks at me briefly before saying we'll arrive tomorrow evening at the latest.


When we walked into Rekuo high school, i noticed the stares i got and i think naru did as well as he slyly put his hand in mine. i didn't miss the glare miss Hara sent me. i was able to talk to mai and were in good terms. she confessed to me that she saw it coming though so it didn't hurt as much. still i felt bad for hurting them. "Thank you for coming" Yasu politely says to me as he greets us. The receptionist glares us down as we walk by and Yasu leads us to the principle.

Mai seems to pause and share an unpleasant stare with the receptionist. she soon runs to catch us up and states how uncomfortable it was. "well, in my experience. schools don't like outsiders." Monk tells us as they trail behind us.

"Maybe their suspicious of you monk" mai retorts jokingly before continuing walking round the school. lin decided to stay back and wait to hear what equipment we will need so it was just us.

Yasu knocked politely on his principles office before opening the door with permission. "sir, SPR have arrived. This is there manager-" Yasu was rudely interrupted by his principle who glare at us. "look, i don't need introductions of snotty brats pretending to fight ghosts. now, run along."

"sorry, to interrupt but we aren't here to be insulted. If you want are help then let us do our jobs" i reply sharply taking a step forward.

"And who are you to talk to me? You look too young to be here, go back to school and fill that head up with something other then imagination." He says eyeing me down, taking my time looking at my body then listening to me.

"I am Ayano Fuwa, and i have already graduated school and college on a fast learner programme so Has the manager of SPR. We are here to do our jobs, do you want help or not?" I say sharply once again before staring down the now, hesitating Principle. 

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