• Chapter 11 •

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{ Elouise Green }
It was 3:30 am on April 25th 2015, rain and wind pelted against our little house.
Eli and I were curled up in each other's arms in the corner of the attic with the radio crackling and the two diaries lodged in our hands.
Both of us were to scared to open them, we were up to April 25th, we knew what was coming for Shearer but he sure as hell didn't.
"We'll read Lucy's first," I whispered.
Eli nodded slowly as I turned to the page.
"Sunday, April 25th 1915, what a day I've had, oh my goodness, where do I begin," it read.
{ Lucy Hamilton }
It was stormy outside when I woke up at 3:45 am.
The room was pitch black but every now and then a stroke of lightning lit up house revealing mysterious shadows.
I felt sick in the stomach as I sat up, I swallowed hard as I pulled on my gown and walked into the lounge where the fire was burning.
A pain shot through my abdomen making me gasp a little.
I sighed shakily, "not now,"
The pain worsened and I screamed, dropping to my knees in agony.
I needed Cassie or somebody, "HELP ME!" I roared.
"Please baby just wait," I felt tears well in my eyes but I refused to cry.
Gritting my teeth I pulled myself up using the mantle piece, I slowly walked out to where my coat was hung next to Shearer's.
Pulling it on, I screamed out in pain.
By this time it was 4:00, the wind howled and rain pelted against my cheeks as I walked down the street.
"Please, please, please," I clenched my jaw as pain shot through my body again.
I knelt down on the road, getting my breath back, Cassie's house was one street away, I was determined to get there.
I was freezing, shaking and scared out of my mind as I hauled my body under the veranda.
"CASSIDY!" I screamed, pounding my fist against the door.
I heard thundering foot steps come down the hall and the door flung open.
"Get inside you're crazy," she ushered.
"Get in front of the fire," I didn't waste any time to do that.
The warm heat engulfed my exhausted body, I felt like I'd just ran a marathon and I still had 20 miles to go.
Cassie came back in with towels and a bowl, she knelt in front of me, I was panting and gasping, terrified as the pain came back.
"Right you gotta work with me," she pushed my legs up.
"I don't want to have this baby, not without Shearer please no," I needed to push but I couldn't do it.
"Listen to me you've got no choice," she was so calm.
I kept my eyes on the clock as I screamed in pain.
My body lurched forward at 4:20, I screamed as did a baby.
I fell back, my head hitting the wooden floor, tears falling from beneath my closed eyes.
Cassie blubbered, her face bright with a smile.
"He's so beautiful!" she cried.
I cried in hysterics as she handed the warm baby boy to me.
Through my tears I saw piercing green eyes I'd seen before, I saw tanned skin, dark hair and a little face that was so familiar.
I was speechless, I tried to stutter some words but I couldn't form them.
My breathing was racing, "he's mine," I gulped finally.
"He looks like his dad," Cassie caressed my cheek.
"You think?!" I stated with a chuckle.
"You're very lucky," she whispered kissing my cheek.
I sighed heavily, the baby lay asleep in my arms, "I promise to love you for the rest of your life," I whispered kissing his little forehead.
{ Elouise Green }
A tear trickled down my cheek as the clock chimed 4.
"4:20 am," I cried.
Eli held me tight with his strong arm, "read Shearer's," he whispered.
I opened the old book, dust floating silently into the stirred atmosphere.
"Dear Diary, I don't know what I'm feeling right now. My body is shaking and the fear continues to engulf my entire body every second I breathe.
{ Angus Shearer }
As the wooden boat rested against the water and the cool night air filled or lungs I started to realise how frightened I was.
I closed my eyes and tried to imagine home, we were sitting in absolute silence, our bodies shaking, my six photographs of Lucy in my top pocket next to my heart.
Harry was on my left, his hands shaking and holding the necklace that held his wife's and his wedding rings.
His fingers fiddled with the rings.
"I love you my sweet," he whispered under his breath, bringing the rings to his lips.
Ollie was on my right, "take me home, let me see Cassie again, keep me safe dear good, amen," he prayed so quietly it was almost inaudible.
He was focusing on his breathing trying to forget what was happening.
We were up the front of the boat and believe me not by choice.
I was about to be the first person to set foot on the scariest place I'd ever been.
I looked at my watch, "4:19," I whispered.
The sergeant put the whistle to his lips, "10th battalion!" He bellowed.
The whistle pierced into the early morning and we flew from the boat at 4:20 am, roaring as the cold water pinched our skin.
I felt my boots hit the sand, it was me, I was the first one on Gallipoli.
Harry was next to me as bullets rained from the sky, "where's Ollie?!" I called out loudly, once we'd hit the shore.
One second he was next to me then he was gone.
"Ollie!" I screamed, dropping my pack at Harry's feet as I spied a blonde haired boy struggling in the deep water.
"No Shearer!" Harry tried to stop me as I handed him my photographs.
"SHEARER!" Ollie screamed, trying to get his hat and his gun as they floated away.
"Ollie!" I bolted, the water making my muscles tense. I grabbed his uniform and wrenched him from the water just as his head went under.
Ollie gasped, coughing up salt water and spluttering watery words.
"I thought I was gonna die," he cried as I grabbed his hat and rifle.
"Calm down mate you're safe now," I bit my tongue.
"I got you," I breathed out, we were far from safe. I dragged his heavy body onto the shore, "bloody hell Ollie!" Harry called out dodging a bullet.
I stood still, my boots sinking into the sand a little, my eyes scanned the beach.
Death lingered in the air as men lay screaming in the sand, I saw a man in the bushes, his eyes met mine, I loaded my gun, aimed it and before he shot me I shot him.
His body fell limp.
What had I gotten myself into?!
What will they call the baby?
How is Shearer gonna cope?
Will Eli and Elouise discover who Shearer really is?
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