• Chapter 18 •

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{ Elouise Green }
"We can't read today we don't have time!" I told Eli sternly, who glared at me unimpressed.
"Why not? Jess and Shane aren't coming till midday," Eli stated.
"Shearer, there are two kids about to come in and destroy my house, I'm not prepared," I told him, turning the oven dial.
Eli rose to his feet, his mischievous face vanishing for a few moments before appearing again with the two diaries.
"I swear I just said no," I told myself as he sat down and opened up the dusty book.
"Ok this is a letter, my darling Shearer, I've decided to go and see your friends wife Sophie at Spinsters Robe, I'm not entirely sure as to how Alistair will go on the trip but we can only try. I do hope you are well and that everyone is as safe as possible. Not much has happened at home other than the thought of sending Aussie troops to France, I don't like the look of what's going on there, compared to France, Gallipoli sounds ok but what would I know? Is it cold there yet? Snow is real right? Oh wait it's only August, you've still got ages, I don't know what I'm talking about. The whole mother thing is pretty hard, Ali hollers when I'm not near him, which can get awfully annoying. He's grown so much and it's hard to believe it's been nearly 4 months since I had him. He is still so small though, still able to fit in my arms. Oh, I can not wait for you to meet him dear Shearer, love always Kiwi," Eli finished, he sighed heavily.
"I sure as hell wouldn't be able to do it," I said pushing the roast lamb into the oven.
"I don't know how Shearer does it! I'd go crazy if i knew you were at home alone with our baby," he rose to his feet and took me in a loose but loving embrace. Our eyes locked; "thank you for doing this, my sister is very unpredictable," he told me.
"No worries, I just feel like I have to put on a good show because we aren't much Shearer, I feel like we could be so much better," I looked up at him.
"Elouise what are you talking about? We have it all! We are amazing! We don't need to be anything more than us, because who cares what people think?! It's you and I against the world Lou and we're going to be the strongest, no matter what you do it'll always be 'much' darlin' we have everything," Eli exclaimed, a smile spread across his face. I pursed my lips together, blinking back my tears, "I get to love you forever," I mumbled.
"Exactly you're already one up on everyone else," Eli said cheekily. I laughed and pressed my lips against his, smiles chiseled into our lips.
"Jess, hi!" I smiled greeting her with a hug. She was beautifully dressed, her white gown flowing against her dark skin. Her eyelashes were long and her smile so bright. She stood beside her husband, Shane, who had dark hair and dark eyes but was a really good guy. Hands down a very perfect couple.
"How are ya girlfriend? So good to see ya," she hugged me back.
"Yea I'm alright, g'day boys!" I waved to Jackson and baby Carter.
"Hello Auntie Lou!" Jackson came up and hugged my legs as I kissed Shane's cheek.
"So mum said you and Eli have been reading, never thought I'd see the day," Jess stated making us laugh as she looked at her twin.
"Yeah well," Eli grinned.
"We're reading diaries from a World War One couple that we found in the attic," I told her, before biting into my fork full of lamb.
"Yeah, mum said you were sounding extremely passionate when you last spoke to her, she also said you were talking about going to Canberra, so I thought, you know Eli and Elouise have to at least travel together before they get married and Eli doesn't like the city so I bought something for you," she leant over and handed Eli and envelope. He took it with confusion written on his face, "open it drongo!" Jess ushered.
Eli opened the envelope gently, when he saw what was inside, his eyes flew open.
"Oh my god Jess!" he showed me two return tickets to Canberra for 6 days.
"You both leave in a month so you might want to finish the diaries and pack them all up cause you two are going to find out who this mysterious Shearer is and you are going to share his story with the rest of the world," Jess explained, the smile on her face radiating to Shane's.
My hands flew over my mouth and I'm pretty sure a tear slipped out of my eye,
"You have no idea how much this means to us," I got up and hugged her.
"Thank you so much," I cried.

So, you're probably thinking, oh it's a trip to Canberra, not a big deal. Well can I just say, when you've got no money and a story to tell, believe me it's a big deal.

"Jess you are, I don't even know how to thank you," Eli stuttered as Jess laughed.
"No worries Eli, you work hard you deserve better pay but you do deserve a holiday too, so make the most of it," Jess smiled her toothy smile, that both her and her brother shared.
"Oh don't worry we will," I said as the family walked outside.
"Well it was great to see you both, stay out of trouble and we'll seeya when we seeya I suppose," Jess held tight to Carter, who lay asleep in her arms.
"Not if we seeya first," Eli and I chorused in unison.
{ Eli Shearer }
My sister and I had always been close, she'd always been more successful than me but we were close. To think she spent that amount of money on me is insane but I'd never turn down something she gives me because whether I like it or not she is the one I shared a womb with, got through 21 years of life with so I am very grateful.
Elouise was seated on the couch, flicking through and studying the old photographs.
"My darling Lucy, I need you to listen, what I'm about to do is insanity. What I'm about to do is beyond stupidity, an order is an order but sometimes you have to change the way you portray it. Please my love, do not worry, do not fret, know that I shall love you always and that there is nothing I won't do to get home. This war I am fighting has taken more than just men and this will continue until the day of peace that we all long for. They make us write letters in case we don't come back, but that's thousands and thousands of very solemn letters that the censor has to read so how about I make this a little more colourful? The sky it is blue, so blue some morning that you almost forget where you are. If I could show you the ocean it would take your breath away. Some days I perch on a ridge, a cigarette lodged between my lips, trying to capture every drop of beauty I can see. The towering cliffs frightened us to begin with, no we know the safe haven they provide. I'm sorry Kiwi but I have to run, I was meant to be out there 10 minutes ago and well Australia waits for no man. I can't believe I fell for that. Anyway, sit tight my darling, I'll be there very soon. Give Ali a cuddle for me. All my love, always, Shearer," I proclaimed, reading the letter as I paraded around the lounge room. The sadness behind his words got to the both of us.
"He just doesn't want to be there," Elouise stated as I sat down beside her.
"He misses he Kiwi just like I'd miss mine," I kissed her lips softly.
"Your sister is unbelievable," she said.
I nodded, "she sure is,"
What's gonna happen to Shearer now that he's entering this battle?
Will Eli and Elouise find out who he really is?
Hey guys, Chloe here,
Don't forget to vote, comment and add cause any feedback is good feedback.
Love always xoxox

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