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Damon's POV.

"Damon! W-what did she say?!?! I-I can't be pregnant. I'm to young. I-I'm a vampire. This isn't possible. Right Damon?! Damon....." Emily started freaking out. What ever was happening the "baby" was growing at an unusual rate. I could hear it's heart beat already.......I tried not to freak out so I could help Emily calm down.

"Emily-" I started to say.


Emily's POV.

Im pregnant. I'm able to get pregnant because I'm half wear wolf and Stefan did some more research on my biological family because I was adopted. Apparently this also happened to Hayley who lives in New Orleans now with the mikaelsons. They are pretty sure that I might be Hayley's younger sister.

The baby will be born within a couple of months then it with grow at a normal rate. I can't believe this is happening. But I've calmed down. I eventually was able to keep a little bit of food down today but not much because I kept puking.

I was laying in Damon's bed with his arms wrapped around me. I intwined my fingers with his and he kissed my forehead. It seemed perfect. Stefan came up to the room a couple of times to give me some medicine. My head hurt so bad.

Stefan came in to the room again with some more medicine and a glass of water when he saw my engagement ring. "You two are getting married?!?!" He asked. I look at him and smile wide, while Damon smirked."um.......Well congratulations." He said. "Thank you." We both reply at the same time. I took my medicine and then I let sleep take over because I felt safe and protected in Damon's arms. I don't really know how Damon felt about this, but I do know that he cares for me so much that he is going to be here with me every step of the way. We are gonna get married and raise this little girl or boy perfectly.


The next morning I woke up next to Damon. He was awake and looked deeply into my eyes. "Mornin sweetheart." He whispers kissing me on the forehead. "Hmm." I reply snuggling closer to him. He hugged me tighter making me feel safer. I love him so much.

Next thing I knew, someone jumped through the window, glass flying everywhere. "What the hell?!?!" Damon said getting up. The person was a vampire. They had a stake in there hand a pushed it onto Damon's Stomach. Just as Stefan, and everyone else was in the room the vampire grabbed me and vamp sped away.

We arrived at a house and they injected me with vervain. "Let me go!!" I struggled to get away. The person tied me to a chair by vervain ropes. "W-why are you doing this? What are you gonna do to me?!?!" I asked. "I'm gonna kill you!" He said. He then started walking towards me with a stake in his hand. "NOO!" I screamed. They were about to stab the stake into my stomach when I screamed, "I'm Pregnant!" He looked confused and said, "no you aren't. Your a vampire-" "listen, you can here the heart beat." I told him. After that his face softened. "Two?" He whispered before I saw Damon come in and ripped the vampires head off. He untied me and hugged me.

"What did he say to you?!" Damon asked because of my expression. I didn't answer so he lifted me up and vamp sped us home.

Once he laid me in bed he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to him. "He told me two." I said. "What?" Damon asked. "Two babies." I whispered. He just held me tighter until I fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~<a couple of month's later>~~~~~~~~

Damon's POV.

The Mikaelson's are staying in town because they found out that Hayley and Emily were related. They were gonna stay in town until the baby was born.

I heard a glass break and a scream coming from the kitchen down stairs. "DAMON?!?!" I heard Emily scream. I rushed down to see her holding onto the counter. She was gonna have the baby. I picked her up and yelled for Stefan and everyone else. They saw me and as I put her in the car.

When we got to the hospital Jo saw us and rushed us to a room. Stefan and the others waiting out in the waiting room while I stood by Emily.
~~<half hour later>~~

Emily's POV.

The baby's were born. They were two beautiful baby girls.

They were perfect. We named one Aspen. Once I got to hold little Aspen in my arms, I started crying, she had big brown eyes just like me. Next i got to hold Lily. She had ice blue eyes just like Damon. Not long after, everyone came in and started circling around us. Jo did some tests and the babies are perfectly healthy. We could take them home today. Even the Mikaelson's were in the room.

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