Chapter 1❤️😇👓📱📖

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May 5, 1989

John, my father and Mary, my mother, walk into the room holding something in a blanket. My  brother got very excited and ran into the room when the door opened and closed. "Dean, Caitlyn we're home." Dad said not knowing Dean was already standing beside mom in the rocking chair dad made her two years ago for Christmas. I walk downstairs and see my green eyed twin brother standing above a little baby. "What's his name mommy." Dean asked somewhat quietly. "Samuel. After my father."  I walked over to my daddy and hugged him tight. I was always closer to my dad for some odd reason. "Why did you leave daddy. I missed you." I said happily as my dad picked me up and sat down beside my mom. The room was filled with silence for a split second. When my father looked over at Dean who so sleepy he was barely staying awake whilst looking at our baby brother he then said "Alright time for bed. Come on Dean." Dad picked Dean up and took us to our room. Our room had two beds. The one on the left was Deans, the one on the right was mine. Deans side was painted red, as of mine, mine was painted blue. Each side had our name and a bed. Deans name spelled out with metal whereas mine was spelled out with blue painted wood. I think my side looked better. Dean thought his looked better.

Two days later

We rarely argued. That night was not one of the nights we didn't argue. "Stop criticizing Led Zeppelin. They're way better than Metallica. Admit it. Metallica sucks." Dean said as I was making fun of his Led Zeppelin poster. "No way! Metallica is way better than Led Zeppelin. You are not making any sense Metallica had a way better sound than Led Zeppelin." I said scrunching my nose in anger. "DADDDDD" we yelled in unison. Dad came running thinking something was wrong. "What happened? Are you two okay?" Dad asked as he entered the room. "Dad please tell Dean that Metallica sounds way better than Led Zeppelin." I said looking at my confused father. "Dean your sister does have a point. I personally prefer Metallica more than Led Zeppelin." Dad stated. I was his favorite. I was innocent and sweet...when he was looking. I look at Dean and stick my tongue out and danced in victory. "Ok. Fine. Momm" Dean yelled. Mom came in and Dean said "Mom can you please tell Caitlyn that Led Zeppelin sounds way better than Metallica." Mom looked over at me and said "Well I prefer Led Zeppelin over Metallica." Dean looked at me and laughed "ha in your face Cait." I looked at the phone and called Bobby it picked up after four rings. "Bobby who do you think is better Led Zeppelin or Metallica?" I asked hoping he would pick Metallica. "Well I would have to go with Led Zeppelin. Sorry Cait. I prefer Led Zeppelin over Metallica. Anyway I gotta go. Bye Cait." "Bye Uncle Bobby." I said with a blank look on my face. "Well who'd he pick?" Dean asked in excitement. "He said Zeppelin." I said in defeat." "Hahaha I win. Zeppelin rules."

Present day.

"Hey Dean do you remember when we argued over who was better Zeppelin or Metallica?" I asked. "Yeah I remember. Zeppelin still rules by the way." He said in a mocking tone. "Ok yeah yeah whatever. I still think Metallica is better." I said matter-of-factly. "Where are we going little bro." I said mockingly. "Hey I'm only younger by 10 minutes." "So I'm still 10 minutes." I said in a mature tone. "We're going to see if we can find a case. Something is going on and it's not setting right on my gut." Dean said.  "When is your gut ever wrong. Or not full of beer and pie." I said jokingly. Dean looked over at me and a man in a trench coat had just appeared out of no where in the middle of the road. "DEAN LOOK OUT!!" I yelled as he looked back to the road swerving out of the way causing us to crash into a ditch. We got out and we had our pistols aimed at the strangely attractive man with messy black colored hair and ocean blue eyes. "Who are you?" Dean said pushing me back. "I am Castiel. I am an angel of the lord." I stood there shocked as his deep, sparkling blue eyes felt like they were piercing into my soul. Before I stopped him Dean stabbed him with a knife. "Why did you do that Dean?!" I screamed. "Because I don't believe him. Why should I? Angels aren't real." Dean said blankly. "Why didn't you do anything to help if it was going to back fire." "I...I um I." I stuttered trying to get the words out but, I was to busy ogling over the very attractive angel, I just couldn't speak. I wanted to but I was afraid of making myself look like a fool, so I just kept my mouth shut.

Castiel tagged along when we were going back to the bunker. "Caitlyn may I speak with you in private it is very important." Castiel asked me with a very blank yet sincere facial expression. "Absolutely not." Dean said coming in to get a beer. "Why not Dean. You know I'm not a kid and I'm 23 you can quit treating me like a child." I said as I walked over to Castiel and nodded my head. We went to the library and looked at me and was silent for a second. He looked down at his shoes then back up to my face and said "Caitlyn I don't know how to put this..." "Wait are you the guy always leaving candy wrappers and Tiger Lily's  on my nightstand?" I interrupted. "No. I don't eat candy. I just met you why would I give you flowers?" He said confused. "Oh never mind." You said sitting down looking at you hands folded  together in your lap. You had a frustrated look on your face. Ever since you were 12 years old you always had candy wrappers and a Tiger Lilly on your nightstand. I thought it was from Dean at first but he had no idea what I was talking about. 

It's been two a hours and Castiel had already left and Dean and I were heading up to our rooms to go to bed.  The next morning I woke up to candy, a rose, and a letter. The letter read:
Dear Caitlyn,
I heard you were looking for me. Well sweet cheeks, I believe it's time we met. Say the name a the end of this letter and go somewhere nobody will see you.
-Gabriel ❤️
You quickly got dressed and wrote your brother a note saying you were going to get breakfast. You got in the car and drive to the middle of nowhere pulling over to the side of the road. You got out of the impala and walked out into the field and thought, ok this shit better work. "Gabriel." I heard the sound of wings flapping and turned around standing In front of me was another very attractive man with caramel colored hair and whiskey colored eyes. He was by far the most attractive man I have ever seen in my whole life. I immediately wanted to kiss him but what if it made you look like a complete idiot. He looked over at me and broke the deadly silence by saying " Beautiful I can read minds. Are you sure you're up for it?" I looked him in his beautiful eyes and my face turned pink with embarrassment. "I just wanted to know what you looked like. You are so very handsome." I said covering my mouth with both my hands and my face turning red. I felt so dumb.

He was looking at me and the he started walking over to me. He asked me something I've never heard before. He said "now how can someone so beautiful be a Winchester?" I looked at him now inches close to my face and he whispered in my ear "You know I want to kiss you as much as you want to kiss me sweet cheeks." He kissed me along my neck and jaw line then to my lips. My god he was such a good kisser. He's so hot. He kissed me deeply allowing his tongue to slip through and explore my mouth causing me to moan with excitement. He smiles breaking away to breathe. I wanted more. He focused more on my face his eyebrows lifted with surprise...oh god he was reading my mind again. "Caitlyn I didn't take you for the naughty type. I like it." He said with a wink wiggling his eyebrows. For some reason I wouldn't mind letting him be my first. "Well are you just gonna stand there lets go get some breakfast for grumpy ole Dean. You already got a breakfast surprise." Gabriel said with a wink. God he was hot but so cheesy at the same time. If Dean found out his twin was dating Gabriel the archangel he would flip. "So do you want to meet my brother, I mean you are my guardian angel of course." I said shyly trying not to faint over his beautiful face and voice. "I already know who Dean is unfortunately he doesn't like me. I'll just be going." Gabriel said flatly. "Well Dean can shut his mouth for once. I mean he has his guardian angel and I have mine." I said confidently trying to hide my shyness and embarrassment in my voice. "Confident. I like a confident woman." With Gabriel by your side you went back to the bunker. Gabriel had got there before you did. "Hello Gabriel." Castiel said in a gravelly voice staring at Gabriel with rude facial expressions. "Oh shush Cass you're Dean's guardian angel and Gabriel is mine. Get over it." I said very annoyed at Castiel's dirty looks pointing to Gabriel. Gabriel looked at me and kissed me passionately until Dean came in. "What the hell Cait!? You go to get breakfast and you come back with a guy?!" When Gabriel pulls away from your face quickly and looks at Dean, he grabs his angel blade and pointed it at Gabriel's chest. "Dean STOP!! He's my angel. You have yours leave mine alone." I said shaking with fear as the blade poked my chest. "Step aside Caitlyn. NOW!!" Dean said angrily. "I wish dad was here so he could slap some sense into you. Samster to." I said as tears rolled down my face. Gabriel lifted my chin with his thumb and index finger and wiped them away with his free hand. "Gabriel cares about me. See. He's not the enemy. He's been protecting me all this time. Dean please put the blade down." With that Dean walked calmly into his room and started throwing stuff around. I could yelling and glass breaking, I ran to my room afraid to face Dean. Gabriel laid down next to me as I curled up to his warm chest, I fell sound asleep.

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