Take a Step Back-Boyf riends (Oneshot; 12)

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"Why do I get called tall ass," Jeremy began, "when you're like... five inches taller than me."

Michael giggled, holding Jeremy in his lap. "Probably because half the time people see me I'm hunched over playing on a handheld or something," Michael answered.

"Touché... but I could say the same for how much I slump when trying to avoid eye contact..." Jeremy pouted.

"Hmmm..." Michael hummed. "If it's the nicknames that bother you... I could call you my little pipsqueak if that makes you feel better."

Jeremy turned a dark shade of red. "W-what?" he squeaked.

"Well," Michael responded, "you're shorter than me, and you squeak a lot. So... pipsqueak works out, right?"

"I guess, but..." Jeremy looked away slightly, his face hot.

"Of course, if you don't like it-"

"N-No!" Jeremy exclaimed, growing quieter once he realized what he was saying. "I... kind of like it..."

Michael grinned. "Dork."

"Sh-shut up," Jeremy responded, burying his face in Michael's chest.

"So, Mr. Sleep-Drunk-Jeremy... got any other urging questions?" Michael prompted, pecking the top of Jeremy's head to induce a small squeal from the tired boy.

"Tell me the story of when you first realized you liked me?" Jeremy asked quietly, slightly muffled by Michael's shirt.

Michael chuckled. "How many times have I told you that now?"

"Don't care," Jeremy urged.

"Alright, alright," Michael assured. "It was probably somewhere around seventh grade..."

"How many classes do we share?" Jeremy asked excitedly, bouncing in his seat in the cafeteria. They had just been released from their orientation.

"Lemme check," Michael said, sticking out his tongue a little in concentration as he dug through his crowded backpack.

After pulling out a slightly crumpled piece of paper, Jeremy grabbed it, scanning it intently.

"Aww." Jeremy frowned.


"Just two."

"Hmm..." Michael considered, taking both his paper and Jeremy's from the other boy. It was true, the only periods that matched were...

"First and last," Jeremy sighed.

"Could be worse," Michael said shrugging, though he secretly knew he would dread the three periods he had alone. "We'll see each other at lunch everyday, so that's three." He grinned, causing Jeremy to smile.

"Guess that's right," he said happily.

Sure enough, the next week was hell for Michael. His only saving grace was the few times he saw Jeremy. If he ever found himself in a bad mood, it would seemingly disappear when he saw Jeremy's smile.

Pretty soon, Michael found that he had begun relying on Jeremy. He had been the one to tell Jeremy that they would be able to handle it, but it seemed that he was getting the worse end of the stick.

He found himself wondering if Jeremy had made more friends in his classes without him. But he tried his hardest to hide how he felt when he saw Jeremy. And for a time, it wasn't hard. In the time they spent together, Michael shelved his worries, happy just to see Jeremy. As if Jeremy was a drug Michael had a hard time going without.

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