Any Time - Boyf riends (Drabble; 12)

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I'm not sure what inspired this. It's a bit sad, so I'm sorry, friends :') -May

Jeremy wasn't sure what was wrong. It had been a week since he was released from the hospital, and he was home alone.

He was filled with a sense of dread as he recognized the intense feeling of loneliness building inside of him. He hadn't made any plans for the day.

Picking up his phone, he pulled up Michael's contact. He frowned at the screen. They hadn't talked much since the incident, and Jeremy wasn't sure if they would ever return to the stable relationship they were once at before.

Before he could stop himself, he had hit the call button. Panicking, he felt his phone slip from his grasp before he could end the call.

".... Hello?" A quiet reply rang out from his phone's speaker.

He scrambled to pick it up. "Oh, uh, hi, Michael," he managed awkwardly.

"Jeremy...? What's up...?"

"I was, uh, wondering if you wanted to... hang out? Or something?"

"... You. Want to hang out with me? Funny, I don't remember the last time that happened."

Jeremy felt a lump form in his throat. Michael had every right to react in this way, but it didn't stop it from stinging.

"M-Michael, I... I don't know how to make it up to you. I messed up... everything... I'm sorry for calling I just... I don't know what came over me. I'll hang up now. I'm sorry." Jeremy took the phone away from his ear and was about to end the call when he heard a response.

"No, wait, Jere-!" Michael sounded sad as Jeremy held the phone back up. "I'm sorry, that... that was harsh. Are... are you okay?"

Jeremy tried to hold in a choke as he felt tears form in his eyes. The loneliness was growing by the minute, and he didn't know what to do.

He heard a shaky inhale come from the speaker. "Jere... are you crying?"

Jeremy shook his head, knowing full well Michael couldn't see him. A small noise escaped his throat against his will.

"Jeremy, stay put, alright?" He heard a click as Michael hung up, and the tears he had been holding in released at once.

Jeremy was alone. He was alone, and it hurt so much. It never used to hurt before.

He was unsure how long had passed when the sound of the front door unlocking sounded from downstairs. He tried to quell his sobs; he didn't want Michael seeing him like this.

However, despite his strongest efforts, he couldn't stop himself from shaking violently, overwhelmed by emotion. He heard footsteps reach his door, but he knew there was no use anymore.

"Oh God, Jere, stop pulling your hair like that, come here."

Strong arms lifted him up gently as he sobbed. Burying his face in the red hoodie he recognized so well, Jeremy found himself clinging to Michael desperately.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Michael's voice was gentle and soft. Jeremy didn't deserve him.

"I f-felt so al-lone, I d-didn't know wh-what to do," he choked out, guilt flooding his mind as he realized Michael must have felt the same way.

But Michael just carded his fingers through Jeremy's hair soothingly, letting out a "shhh" every so often.

After a time, Jeremy felt his trembling lessen into long shaky breaths. Before long, he was breathing somewhat steadily into Michael's chest.

"I don't deserve you," Jeremy mumbled, sniffing to fight back another wave of tears that threatened to spill.

"No you don't," Michael agreed, chuckling softly. "But I... I love you too much to leave you. Your dad reminded me of that..."

"I'm so sorry, Michael," Jeremy said, frowning deeply. "I'm a terrible person for choosing something like popularity over a friend like you... I... I know we might never go back to the way things were, but... I hope you'll still be my friend...?"

Michael patted his head lovingly. "Sure," he responded quietly. "We'll start slow, okay?"

"Th-Thank you..."

"Any time..."

So short, but I felt inspired?? Somehow?? I've had a similar experience with feeling lonely. It's such a hard thing to avoid sometimes, so I relate to Jeremy in this a lot I think.

Anyways, sorry for the shortness, but I hope you enjoy it :')

Love you all so much, shoutout to all the Discord lovelies that headcannoned with me tonight.

See you soon! -May <3

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