Did You Just (Drabble; 14)

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Michael was, quite honestly, stressed beyond belief. Missing two days of junior year on a sick-leave hit hard. Jeremy had been sick for longer. He had begged Michael not to visit, but Michael, of course, did not listen.

Michael stared at his pre-calculus work, growing more frustrated each time he caught himself getting distracted.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, causing Michael to groan in distress, unable to focus.

"He's upstairs," he heard the muffled voice of his mother explain.

Me? he thought miserably, burying his face in his arms.

He heard footsteps outside his door and, soon after, a hesitant knock.

"Mmf," was his response, his face still covered in the sleeves of his hoodie.

The door opened slowly, and Michael heard small sniffles coming from the person who walked in. He lifted his head and turned to see Jeremy Heere, his face red and tear-streaked.

"S-Sorry, Michael," he began, wiping the new tears that had formed in the corners of his eyes.

"Jeremy?" He rushed to the shorter boy, wrapping him in a hug. "Are you okay? What happened?"

Jeremy sniffed once more. "I j-just... I got really stressed...." Michael chuckled a little. "'m sorry, that's kind of a dumb reason to come all this way..."

"Nah, sorry, Jere, I was just laughing because of how stressed I am too." Michael smiled fondly at Jeremy. "C'mere, we'll take a little break, and then we can work together on everything, that sound good?"

Jeremy nodded, a smile of gratitude gracing his lips. Michael pulled Jeremy into his lap on his bed, rubbing circles into his back.

"High school is shit," Michael said after a bit.

"But you're here to help me conquer it," Jeremy responded, giggling.

"Heere... Did you just...?"


Mmmmm. Stress. A fun time. Becca was stressed and wanted a double stressed boyf fic and I was like eyo I gotchu hun.

She asked for it on Friday but uh... I'm sLOW. IM SORRY ILY.

Anyways. Another short one. Sorry, guys. :') Hope you enjoyed it tho!
-May <3

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