Letter 9

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The moment Snape entered the house, Tobias behind him, since his father opened the door, he was welcomed by a warm home, far than the old house in Spinner's End he grew up in. It was spic and span, no bottle of anything that has liquor in it. The fire was roaring to life, giving energy to the whole house. He looked at Tobias. The greying man looked loads better since their fight last Holiday season. Tobias wanted him to quit his job, Severus refused. He did not provide an explanation, knowing his father wouldn't understand.

"You said Harry Potter is here, Father."

"Yes, he's--"

"Hey, Uncle To--" The boy was there all of a sudden, his green eyes looking rather like the green, green grass after a long, long rain. Then, it flashed a bit of anger. Snape winced inwardly.

"The gnomes, Harry?" Tobias inquired, his black eyes, so much like his son's were glinting.

"I've done it, Uncle."

"Good lad."


Uncle Tobias,

He tries his best to talk to me, but it hurts. He always thinks, especially if I am doing something wrong, that I am like James, my Dad. It hurts, because he keeps on comparing me to someone dead. I know Dad has hurted him lots before, but the key word there is before. He looks at me like a bloody insect ready to be squashed under the sole of his boots.

I really respect you Snapes a whole deal, but the Professor forgets too much that I am my own man, and I did not even grow up with my real Dad and Mum.

It hurts because his words matter to me, Uncle. He healed me, you know. But that doesn't give him the right to tell me how stupid i am, how much of my father I am. I can't stomach the fact that he keeps seeing someone else he hates, and someone he loathes. Why can't he just see me, for me?

That's why i left, you know. Because it makes me sick. I can't help but feel bad and truly, utterly stupid and it hurts.

Please, help me, Uncle Tobias.




Is the Potter that used to bully you the boy's father?



Here, read it.

Harry's prior letter was attached to the small note.


Harry Potter,

I am sorry. I have no excuse for my misdemeanor, but please, talk to me. Let me explain.

S. Snape.



Do me a favor and just leave me alone!

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