Chapter 9- "What Happened?"
Leah is still standing outside my door pointing at Will and then back to me. I reach out, shut her mouth and invite her inside.
"Okay, why was there a shirtless boy leaving your house?" Leah asks me looking dumbfounded.
"We got in a food fight when I was making breakfast for us this morning." I answer her like it's no big deal.
"Hold on, back up a sec. This morning? What was he doing here this morning?" She questions, squinting her eyes at me.
"Well... he may or may not have spent the night." I reply timidly. She is going to have a major freak out in 3, 2, 1...
"Oh My Gosh! He slept overnight, as in your house and your bed?!" She squeals and she has a huge smile on her face.
"Calm down! We didn't do anything, he just wanted to make sure I was okay after the party."
"What do you mean? What happened at the party?" She asked me looking confused.
"I thought you knew."
"Knew what? Come on Lou, tell me." She demands and I tell her we should talk about it in my room.
"Leah, when I tell you this I don't want you to be mad at me!" I plead, hoping she won't hate me.
She doesn't say anything just looks at me as if she wants me to continue.
"Umm, so when you left Will went to go get refill our drinks. When I was waiting for him to come back someone pulled me around the corner. At first I thought it was Will playing a joke on me but it wa-" I stammer not being able to get the words out with the fear of breaking down again.
"It's okay Lou just tell me." She soothingly says.
"It was Zach," I say and a sob escapes my throat. "He said he would "show me a good time" and then he started kissing me. I tried to stop but it made it worse. He started touching me, Leah." I say in a strangled voice.
When I look up at Leah she doesn't say anything and her face looks like stone. I'm about to say something when she starts to yell.
"How dare he! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! Oh my gosh, Lou, I am so sorry that happened to you." She says as she pulls me into a hug.
"He told me this morning the party went well. I asked how you liked it and he said you got sick and went home early. That's why I'm here." She tells me, putting a hand over her mouth.
"Leah, he is such a jerk. Don't cry he isn't worth it. There is a guy out there for you don't worry. He'll understand your humor and see how great you are." I respond, hugging her this time.
"Thank You Lou, but we'll deal with that S.O.B later. Meanwhile Will spent the night with you and you had a food fight! I want to know everything. Spill." She demands, looking at me like I committed a crime.
I begin to explain that he didn't want me staying alone so he spent the night, (shirtless) and the almost kiss which turned into a food fight moment. When I finished talking she looked at me awestruck.
"Wow. I really like this guy. You need to hang on to him, he seems to really care about you. Oh and the view of when he left would be something nice to keep around too." She says with a wink.
"Omg, Leah!" I scold but end up giving in, "okay, I know he is super hot isn't he?!" I say feeling like one of those boy crazed girls.
"Ya know what this calls for?"
"Ice Cream!" We both yell at the same time.
After cleaning out the whole tub of mint chip and gossiping it's already 5:00 so Leah and I say our goodbyes.
"Are you sure you'll be alright?" I ask her, feeling horrible for her.
"Girl, this isn't my first rodeo, I'll be just fine. You have fun tonight!" She responds with a with a wink and then heads home.
I decide to keep the leggings on but change into a simple blue t-shirt. It's still only 5:20 so I head down to the couch for a nap. I'm in the middle of dreaming that I almost one the lottery until I feel something tickling my face. I reach up to scratch it and end up planting a handful of whip cream on my face. When I open my eyes I see Will laughing so hard there's no sound coming out.
"Haha, hilarious." I say rolling my eyes. "Well the jokes on you because I get to eat the whip cream!"
"It figures that you would find the positive in this situation." He tells me still chuckling. "So, are you ready to go?"
"Definitely, where are we going?" I eagerly ask him.
"Looks like you'll have to wait and see." He responds and I start to feel more excited by the second.
Will drives us to the surprise spot and when I see where he brought me my heart swells with joy. He brought me to one of my favorite places ever, the library. It may not seem like a big deal, but when you love books like I do, it's the best date idea ever.
"My uncle knows the guy who owns it and said he would close it for just us tonight." Will says and I jump into his arms.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is like my dream date." I exclaim, clapping my hands together. He takes me inside and there are blankets on the floor with pillows and battery powered candles all around.
"What do you think?" He asks shyly and it makes him so much cuter.
"I think I love it!" I tell him back.
Still holding my hand he leads me to the blanket. When we sit down I look at some of the books he picked out for me. He has my favorite one out, The Last Song and when I open it a slip of paper falls out. It reads,
-Lou, I am so glad you can into my life and I was wondering if you would want to be my girlfriend?- Will
"Yes! I would love to be your girlfriend Will!" I say throwing my arms around him.
"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that." He whispers in my ear, causing chills to go down my spine.
We lay down and he pats the spot next to him for me to sit. Will wraps his arms around me and we stay and talk until 1:00 in the morning!
He drops me off at home and walks me to my door with once again no kiss. I'm starting to lose faith in this boy!I change into my pajamas and head out to the roof with a blanket. I have a boyfriend! I can not believe it. I sit and look at the different constellations in the sky until someone crawls up and sits beside me.
"Will, what are you-" I say only to be cut off by his lips on mine and I immediately kiss him back. My body feels like it's filled with electricity. I place both hands around his neck and he wraps his arms around my middle.
He pulls away, "how's that for unexpected?" He asks with a huge grin spreading across his face.
"Perfect. Absolutely perfect." I reply and he leans in again. The kiss starts out gentle but becomes more urgent. I run my hands through his hair and he rolls on top of me. We kiss for I don't know how long and end up falling asleep in each other's arms. This night couldn't have been any more perfect.
Ladies and Gentlemen there it is, the big kiss scene! I'm really happy with how this chapter turned out and didn't want to keep making you guys wait so long for their kiss. Comment what you thought! Pleaseee vote this chapter!!! Love you guys!❤️❤️❤️

The Way it Goes
Teen FictionSeventeen year old Lou is used to being the popular girl until her dads accident. It put him into a coma and she completely shut herself down causing her to go from the girl everyone one knew, to the one nobody does. That is until Will moves to town...