Chapter 18- This Is Love
I get out of the shower and put on a pair of sweats to cover up my wound and one of Will's T-Shirts. My eyes catch a glimpse of me in the mirror and let's just say I don't look good. Who really would look good after getting in a fight though? There are purple lines around my throat from where he grabbed me and the side of my head is severely bruised. I sigh as I grab my crutches, open the door and leave the bathroom feeling embarrassed at what Will must think of me. That is until I see his face and burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?" He asks and I try to speak but no words come out.
"Y-your." I wheeze, my sides hurting from laughing so hard.
"My what?" He looks confused and I fall on the bed clutching my stomach.
"You've got a little something right there- well everywhere." I tell him, still giggling.
He walks over to the mirror and examines his face and I see a grin forming, but he quickly covers it up.
"Looks like someone had a little fun with a Sharpie marker I see." He says trying to sound angry.
"Yeah, that my friend, is why you don't sleep when I'm around." I wink at him and he growls.
"I'm going to get you back for that one nerd." He tells me and I squeal.
"No! You wouldn't get revenge on a girl who's hurt, would you?"
His smile falls slightly, "no I guess I wouldn't, but you better watch out when you're better!" He says, laying down next to me.
His arm goes around my waist and I'm pulled closer to him. I turn my head towards him and bury my face in his neck and he kisses the top of my head.
"Goodnight nerd, love you," he tells me and then his eyes go wide, "I- uh- I mean..."
"Will," I whisper making him shiver and I smile. I like having this effect on him, "it's okay. I love you too."
His expression goes from panicked to grinning from ear to ear. I lean up and kiss him, putting all the love I have into it. He kisses me back the same way and my body doesn't feel electricity, it feels fire. His arms go around both sides of me and cage me in while he deepens the kiss until his leg gently grazes my wound and I wince.
"Shit, Lou. I'm sorry." He says rubbing his neck.
"It's alright, but this is going to suck." I reply disappointed.
"Don't worry, we're going to get through this together. Now let's get some sleep, okay?" I nod my head and he lays back down, pulling me close.
I watch the clock for awhile and say a silent pray on how thankful I am to be alive before drifting off to sleep.
The next five days go surprisingly fast with Will and Leah keeping me company. It's Sunday and I can finally leave my bed if I stay on crutches. I shower and try to get dressed in semi-decent clothes picking my nicest Adidas sweats and a Nike T-Shirt. Leah picks me up at 11 and we head to the mall.
"How are you doing?" She asks me and gestures to my leg.
"Umm, ok I guess. It definitely is painful but with the pills they give me I can manage. I a happier note, what color dress do you want to get?" I enthusiastically ask her and she grins as we get in the car.
"Well I'm thinking about like a mint blue or something. Definitely something strapless, I want to let everyone get a load of this!" She chuckles, gesturing to herself.
I roll my eyes, "blue would definitely look great on you, especially with your eyes."
"I know," she says and winks at me, "what are you thinking for your dress?"
"Well, I'm not exactly sure yet. Something that covers up this." I tell her and gesture to my leg.
"You'll look good in anything Lou. You have an amazing body."
"Ahh, thanks?" I say making her laugh.
We get to the mall and pull into the parking lot. Plus side to having an injury: you get to park close to the stores. There are only two prom stores in the mall; Starstruck and O'neils. After going to Starstruck and having no luck we head to O'neils. Leah picks out a lace, mint green, strapless dress and my eye lands on a velvet, emerald green one sleeved dress that I know is perfect.
I head to the dressing room with Leah and we try them on. I look into the mirror and immediately fall in love with the dress.
"Leah I've got it on are you ready?" I ask her my voice giddy.
"Yup. Okay on thee we'll open our doors and show each other. One. Two. Three!" She shouts and we swing open our doors.
"Oh my gosh, Leah! You look amazing in that, that is the one!" I exclaim and she squeals.
"I like it a lot too, and Lou you look beautiful. I feel bad for Will, that dress is going to make him drop dead." She snaps her fingers and I laugh.
We go back in to change and then pay for our dresses. On the way out Leah trips on one of the clothing racks falling right into a guy who's about our age.
"Well hello there love." He says in a British accent. Did I mention he's extremely hot?
Leah turns to me and mouths "oh my god! He's British."
"I know!" I mouth back and pretend to look at clothes while she works her magic.
After talking to him for a good ten minutes Leah saunters over to me.
"Guess who's got a new contact in her phone and a date on Tuesday? This girl!" She whoops as we walk out of the store.
"You are so lucky, Leah. He's hot and British, what more could a girl ask for? What was his name anyways?" I ask her internally squealing.
"I know! If that boy wouldn't have gave me his number I would have begged for it and his name is Michael." She tells me and then squeals.
"Ooo.. I totally ship Lam. I suck at ship names but I don't care, you too would look great together." I say and she rolls her eyes but ends up breaking into a huge smile.
She pulls into my driveway and helps me up to my room. When we get there she pulls out my dress and hangs it in my closet.
"Alrighty, I'm going to get going. My mom wants me to go out to dinner with her and her boss tonight. Hooray!" She states sarcastically and I chuckle.
"Okay, I'm going to take a nap. Shopping really tires a girl out." I yawn and Leah slowly shuts my door. Today was a good day and I can not wait until Prom!
Hey Everyone! So I know this wasn't the most exciting chapter, but I figured I should dim it down a bit. On a different note... Leah met a boy, even better a British one!!! (I totally ship them but you guys need to help me come up with a couple name for Leah and Michael because I suck at them.😂) Anyways... Pleaseee vote this chapter!!! Love you guys!❤️❤️❤️

The Way it Goes
Teen FictionSeventeen year old Lou is used to being the popular girl until her dads accident. It put him into a coma and she completely shut herself down causing her to go from the girl everyone one knew, to the one nobody does. That is until Will moves to town...