#2 Don't Forget Where You Belong - Misc. POV

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*Jade's POV*

'So what movie are we watching?' asked Lydia kneeling down beside Perrie who was going through the DVDs as I threw everyone a blanket. 'Oh! Can we watch one of the Disney Princess Movies!' I asked with excitement and pleading. It was almost ten in the night and I was still a ball of enthusiasm. 'Or Toy Story?' Liam suggested. 'No way are we watching Toy Story!' Harry objected. 'So we've agreed on something Disney?' asked Perrie to clarify. 'What about romance?' Harry suggested. 'Horror' Zayn interrupted. 'Nah, humour!' Niall cut in. 'I agree with Niall on humour!' Said Louis. I giggled as all the One Direction lads argued over what to watch.

'Way to act like gentlemen!' Lydia laughed, faking offence. We all joined in with her. 'I know right! They won't even let the girl pick the movie! That is just cold' said Jesy, with a fake icy tone to her voice. 'Downright unchivalrous!' I stated in a posh accent before we all broke into little spasms of giggles. 'Okay, how about we all watch a Horror movie like Zayn said, then a humorous movie to take our minds off the horror, a romance movie because, well, its romance, and then a bunch of Disney movies for Jade and Liam?' Leigh-Anne suggested. I'm okay with that. We all showed our agreement and Perrie picked out all the movies.

Jesy and Louis made popcorn while I found as much candy and sugary goodness as possible. Once we stacked up on treats Perrie popped in the movie and we all got comfortable on the couches/floor wrapped up in multiple blankets. I was sat between Harry and Perrie. I wasn't a big fan of horror movies (not that anyone knew) so I was glad I'd be going to bed soon as I'd be waking early tomorrow.

Only ten minutes into the movie and three men were throwing about six knives directly at a young girl's face and as she screamed Perrie laughed. 'Oh one of them was a bullseye!' The boys all turned to stare at her as Jesy said 'You get used to that too.' Everyone's attention was back on the movie. I wrapped the blanket more securely around myself, consciously expecting six bloody knives to hit MY face at any second.

*Harry's POV*

I got over the shock of Perrie believing a young girl killed like that was funny pretty quickly since I hadn't actually been paying much attention, therefore I didn't even know what the movie's name was nor what it was about. As you've already guessed, my attention was focused on the newly dyed plum-read haired Jade Thirlwall curled up in her blanket beside me. I had a very good insight because I instantly knew when I saw her she wasn't a fan of Horror Movies.

Perrie on the other hand was laughing at every single death that occurred, which made me think, I see why Niall likes her. She's Not Afraid. His attention too seemed absorbed by one if the Little Mix girls as he was staring at Perrie with complete adoration in his eyes. Young love.

It would be so much easier if Jade looked at me like that. So much easier. I averted my gaze to her and she looked back at me raising one eyebrow in question like she did in the amusement park, and I shrugged in response too. We both heard an ear-piercing female-like scream come from the television and we whipped our heads towards it. Jade's body froze as the woman's neck was cut open with a pair of scissors and blood gushed out. She died.

This must have been the most gruesome horror movie I'd ever seen. Moving on, when Jade's body froze I remembered her doing the same thing when the public was mentioned in the conversation while coming back from the amusement park. 'Jade?' I whispered. She looked at me. 'Yeah?' 'Go to your room in five minutes after I do' I instructed before getting up and leaving for said place, no one bothering to ask me why.

It actually took me three of the five minutes to find her room and so I waited for the remaining to minutes when she arrived with her blanket. 'What's up?' she sighed plopping down on her bed next to me. 'I wanted to ask you something' I said seriously. 'Harry if this is a perverted question I will literally stand up and leave before you even finish' she said almost standing up. 'No its not! I just- Are you scared of the Directioners?' I asked her, deciding to go straight to the point. My question must have definitely thrown her off because she stared at me for a while, not moving at all. 'W-what?' 'You're scared of them aren't you?' I concluded relaxing my position. 'Well, n-not exactly scared-d, just w-worried?' she said as more of a question than a statement.

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