#1 Midnight Memories - Harry

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*Harry's POV*

On Monday Morning I stared blankly through the window, looking at the sky. The last remaining minutes until six o'clock were slowly draining, and the sky had caught my attention. It was a light pink and purple colour, and their were barely any clouds. The ones that were there were slowly parting allowed sight of the sun which was slowly rising. It was basically eye-catching. Beautiful. And it took me great effort to call a thing, anything, or anyone, beautiful.

I continued to stare when I recalled the so-called "event" that would be happening today. I had mixed feelings about going to the Amusement Park for two reasons. One being that management most likely accidentally (completely on purpose) told probably every photographer in Britain that, and quote, "I believe I heard Harry talking to the rest of the boys about going to a so-called Amusement Park to chill wth the girls of Little Mix, maybe to enjoy their time off from the tour." The sneaky gits.

The second reason being that I have come to a conclusion that Jade doesn't exactly like me. Well, I think she downright hates me, with a burning passion to go along with it. I dressed and went downstairs, prepared to lie down on the couch until 4pm, which was the time management set for us to meet with Little Mix. But, there's always someone to foil my plans of relaxation. And at the moment that someone was Zayn, throwing some sort of small black object at me. I barely caught it.

'Hey! What is this?' I asked. 'Your phone, you left it at the club yesterday. Got a lot of new numbers,' Zayn replied with a roll of his eyes. I groaned immediately, hitting myself on the head for being so stupid. But, hey, I had consumed a lot at the time and I tend to lose my head so it wasn't technically my fault. 'Harry it was your fault,' Zayn answered with a smirk.


Time, sadly, flew by in a whirlwind and soon it was fifteen minutes for four. I stared at the digital time in the car as Liam drove us to Carrington's Amusement Park. I wasn't sure why but my heart was beating wildly. 'Harry, are you ready to take your girl on the best date of her life?' asked Louis with a cheeky smirk. I glared at him. 'Yes I'm ready Louis,' I said through gritted teeth. 'Really? From what I heard you saying while you were talking to yourself this morning makes me believe otherwise,' he answered smiling sickly at me. Was I saying all that stuff out loud. 'Yeah you were mate,' Niall laughed. Great friends I have.

If there was one word to describe how Jade looked, It would be absoloutely incredible. Although she had her arms crossed in a huff as her friends argued with her (most likely about me) it was quite entertaining. With one nudge from the blonde-haired member of her group, as well as a glance around at all the cameras flashing and I found Jade Thirlwall running into my arms.

I wasn't sure how to react but once she was there, with her arms wrapped around me, it felt so right. I picked her up and did the only thing I thought would satisfy myself. And the paparazzi. I kissed her. I could hear the the boys wolf whistling and making obnoxious kissing noises while Jade's bandmembers clapped and cheered. It was a nice feeling. I slowly put her down and said 'I missed you.' 'You know we're acting right?' she said obviously smiling for the cameras. 'They might here you, love,' I smiled back. She responded by dragging me to our remaining group of friends.


I stared as Jade talked and laughed while continuously taking pictures of her friends doing weird poses. In a certain light, she was really...adorable, I guess. 'So that's the girl management forced you to date,' Zayn said sitting beside me on the bench, also staring at Jade and her friends. The rest of the boys decided to join them and it seemed they were all happy with that.

'Yeah, why?'

'She doesn't seem like your type.'

'Oh really, how would you know what my type is?'

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