#3 Little Black Dress - Misc. POV

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*Jade's POV*

'So Perrie has a contagious flu which she accidentally gave to Harry so they're both sick?'

'Yeah, but it's not contagious anymore.'

'And Niall and Leigh-Anne are staying with them so they're not on their own?'


'Plus Liam and Louis are writing in the studio for the album?'


'And Jesy's on a date with some guy called Jordan from some dance group called University?'

'Yes, and that "some dance group" happens to be DIVERSITY you dope!'


'My ex-boyfriend is in that "some dance group"!'

'Yeah, whatever, so that leaves me and you.'

'Precisely, you almost got everything right' I satisfactorily smiled sitting on the couch. 'Sow what do you wanna do?' Zayn asked, staying beside me. 'I don't know, do you wanna go out?' I suggested. 'Go out where?' He questioned. 'Out. Anywhere. Shopping. Movies. Starbucks. Library. Anywhere' I said, listing off places we could go. 'Library?' He chuckled, raising an eyebrow. 'I'm reading the Hunger Games Trilogy, don't judge' I pouted playfully. 'Anyway, are you in? Or do you wanna stay home and play cards?' 'First of all, I don't know how to play cards and second of all, let's go then' he started to get up but I stopped him. 'Let me go change first, yeah?'

A few minutes after, I came back downstairs in a simple pair of black leggings, a plain white wife-beater and an oversized camouflage jacket with rolled down sleeves and brown Combats. Simple yet effortless. I think I looked okay. 'Lets go, shall we?' said Zayn in a posh accent and I giggled. 'Yes, we shall' I answered back in the same accent, taking a posh bow.

We got into his black Jeep and debated where we would go first.


'Jade I'm not going clothes shopping with you' he answered bluntly.

'Okay, food shopping?'


'Oh come on! You'll be the best person ever?'

'You say it like its a question.'

'You ruined the cute statement Zayn!' I pouted and he chuckled. 'Fine, fine, I'll go FOOD SHOPPING with you!'

'Meh, I'll live with that' I sighed jokingly, as he started up the car and drive off.

We arrived at Bloomsbury Shopping Centre, which was larger than most shopping centres, and Zayn got us a trolley. 'So what do you want to buy?'


Me and Zayn came out of Bloomsbury's laughing as tears streamed down our faces. We had barely put anything in our trolley when I accidentally dropped a big bottle of Sprite on the floor. I generally picked it up and put it back until Zayn dared me to open it. Me being one to never refuse a dare, opened the bottle and the Sprite came bursting out of it. Unfortunately, a security guard was near by and chased us away from that particular section. Knowing he was still watching us, Zayn and I decided, why not cause more havoc?

When he wasn't looking we shook and opened all the bottles until the drink came exploding out of the bottle (it was actually quite pretty) and the security guard blew up on us. I jumped into the trolley and Zayn rushed away for the guard who proceeded to chase after us. But he eventually got tired and stopped once he knew we were leaving, which leads us to where we are now.

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