The Shadow of The Moon (MES: Track Seventeen)

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Author's Note:
▪This fiction is dedicated to my dearest Edward John Baber, the crazy half of the MayWard tandem. Happy happy 17th birthday baby boy! Stay sweet, genuine, humble and of course gwapo! Hehe God bless always. 😙
▪ This is also my third entry to the MesCommunity collaboration project entitled MES: Track Seventeen. Check it out guys! You won't regret it. 👍
▪ Special thanks to itsmealyg_ for the prompt that I used which goes like:
"A person I long for til my heart's you." (Lyrics from the song You by Ben)

Happy reading! 😊


Since the beginning of the time unbeknowst to many, there living on earth are beings who were granted permission by the heavens to exist alongside with humanity. They are known as the Other Fours; strong and powerful creatures who has always been living behind the veil of their human forms, masking their true dark identities. In many myths and legends they are commonly referred to as the vampires, the werewolves, the wizards and the ghouls.

Apart from these said old stories and other unverified witnesses' accounts the existence of these supernaturals remains a secret still since they needed to continue surviving by staying on the top of the food chain; The vampires by drinking the human blood, the werewolves by devouring fresh human flesh which also a necessity to maintain their camouflage, the wizards by using different human body parts as main ingredients for their food in order to sustain the magic in their blood and the ghouls by primarily eating human flesh and bones to keep their sanity and powers intact.

Despite of this predicament though both the natural and the paranormal managed to co-exist peacefully over time. With the Other Fours staying undetected and being carefully restrained from execessive preying, the balance of life on earth is then preserved. A sacred rule and condition that is primarily set by the supreme diety before letting them enter this world.

But even though most obligingly complied, as always there are still some of those from each race who rebelled against this so called supreme rule and started preying in unscrupulous ways, highly risking detection and eventually started to destroy this 'prey and predator' balance. These rebels even band together later on and formed the Orion Association. An organization aimed to take control over the major cities of the world to monopolize all the Other Fours' food source.

Naturally in response to this threats, the rightful leaders of each Other Fours races decided to form an organization themselves that will oppose the Orion and prevent the latter to accomplish their goals of greed. And with this the Black Oracle council was established. The two major forces then eventually clashed and the seemingly endless bloody battle among all the Other Fours began.

For centuries this war continues, shedding not only precious vampires', werewolves', wizards' and ghouls' blood but as well as of those of innocent humans'. Until time came that these acts eventually provoked the rage of the supreme diety who then finally decided to cast his punishment by completely banishing all the Other Fours from earth to a place which is neither dedicated for the living nor for the dead. A place that is called Cryptaz- the eternal depths of abyss.

Not wanting their existence on earth to cease permanently, all the Other Fours from both opposing sides begged the supreme deity for forgiveness with all their might. With a promise on their sleeves that they would do anything in return in order for the heavens to allow them to stay on their so called home once again.

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