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On the way home, Nathan asked me if I remembered about the surprise.
"Yeah, what is it?" I asked.
"Well, since you have a big enough following now, I was asked to invite you to tour with Digi Tour Spring this year. You don't have to go if you don't want too. I'm going." Nathan said.
"I mean I'd have to ask my mom but yea, I'll go." I was trying to hide my excitement but it didn't work. I couldn't help but to scream my head off.
"Mom, Nathan invited me to tour with Digi Tour. Can I?"
"Yeah I don't care."
"MY MOM IS LETTING ME GO!!!" I screamed.
"Oh my gosh. Calm down." He said while laughing.
I was super excited. We left the day after prom. Which Kinda sucked.

Prom... The best day of senior year. Dresses,suits and ties. I don't really like dresses but hey, This was the 2ndprom I had all year. I got up and walked to Starbucks to get coffee. Nathan hadalready been at the school to help the prom committee set up. I walked back toNathans where his mom helped me do my makeup and everything. By time wefinished it was almost 6:30. Prom started at 8 and Nathan and I still needed todo pictures.
"Hey, Are you coming back to get ready?" I texted to Nathan.
He FaceTimed me.
"You shall not see my face." I said.
"haha Ok. I'm walking home now."
"Okay. See you then."
I had to hide in Izzys' room. He knew I was in there. He got ready and walkeddownstairs. Izzy came up and told me to go downstairs. I swear he almostfainted.
"Woah. I didn't even recognize you."
Of course, his mom cried. We took our pictures and went to the school.

s loser." He %;qW

His middle name was danger.. but what did it really mean?Where stories live. Discover now