Anniversary... alone?

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Nathan and I would FaceTime every night after he got home. Since he was back home, he had to go to school. I had talked to his sister a little bit, but not a lot. I was starting to feel distant from Nathan. He pointed out that today was our 8 month anniversary which made me feel even worse then what I already did. I had tried to forget about any dates that corresponded with Nathan, just Incase any of them happened to be on tour. With my luck, he told me, and we had been wanting to spend our 8 month together since that was the amount of time his parents were married. Since I was in Buffalo, New York, I was 3 hours ahead of Nathan. If he got home at 2, I would have to wait until 5 for him to get home.
"Hey, Lets go on a walk." Brian said.
I agreed and we began walking around the block.
"I'm sorry for everything that has happened with you and Nathan. I know this is hard for both of you. I'm proud of you for handling this as well as you have been." He said.
"Thanks." I said.
"Nathans mom texted me earlier and said you two can't Facetime tonight. You guys can text though." He said.
I was curious to why we weren't aloud to Facetime, but I didn't question it. 
Later that night, Brian said we were going to go do a light check, but when he got me on the bus, he blindfolded me so I couldn't see where we were going. Nathan texted me while I was blindfolded.
"Hey, I'm sorry we cant facetime tonight. I love you." He said.
Loren texted him back, "I love you too."  The bus parked. I was really confused.
"Can I take this off yet?" I asked.
"Almost. Watch your step.." Brian said, guiding me off the bus, "You can in a second."
When they got me off the bus, Brian said, "Ok, You can take it off in 3...."
"OH GOSH IM SCARED" I screamed, slightly terrified of why I was blindfolded. Mind you, it was also 2:30 PM so that made it really weird.
"2... 1.. Take it off" Brian said.
I took off my blindfold carefully to see Nathan standing there with roses. I saw him and my knees went weak and I started crying. He walked over and helped me up.
"Is this better than Facetime?" He asked.
Entangled in his arms, I nodded yes. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was so happy he was back, and I could hold him. We got back on the bus, and we prepared for Digi Tour Buffalo.

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