Airport In Boston ((Pt. 3))

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We slept. We got up. Loren packed. Nothing felt right. I checked my phone to see if something happened over Social Media. Before I got to put in my passcode, Sarah comes in. 
"Something happened to Nathan," She said. 
My immediate reaction was to cry, but I kept my cool
"What happened?" I asked... I think Sarah knew I was scared. 
"I don't know." She said, "I just saw 'Web-Star Nathan Triska in a DEADLY car crash.'  and it was trending. on Twitter." 
Sure enough, it was trending. 
"I rearranged all of your tickets to fly down today." 
I felt relieved. 
"Before we leave, lets go downstairs and get Starbucks because we're not going to be able to before the flight." Loren said.
We all went downstairs. When I walked out of the room, there were people signing Zachs' song  'Nothin' but love'. I immediately knew something was up.
"Hey! That's my song!" Zach exclaimed. Typical Zach.
Nathan texted me after they finished singing. 
"Just to clear your thought process, i'm OK. I see you on the balcony. Come down to Starbucks."

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