The hotel what?!

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"What's going on? Call Loren." Nathan said. 
I called Loren, No answer. I called Mark, No answer. I called Zach and finally got an answer.
"Zach, What's going on at the hotel?!" I asked as I put him on speaker. 
"Well..... Um... Mark kinda set the hotel on fire.." He said, "We got all of your bags. Everything is Ok." 
"Is everyone OK? Where is everyone?" I asked while we were pulling back into my Aunts driveway. 
"Everyone is here and OK." Zach said, "You're needed here by the way." 
"Alright. We're at my aunts. We'll be there in 20." 
"How did Mark catch the WHOLE HOTEL on fire???" Nathan asked after I ended the call. 
"I have no idea.." I said. My phone started blowing up. It was twitter and Instagram. The fans were asking if we were OK so I put out a post saying we're Ok. Sarah texted me. 
"Where are you guys?" 
"At my aunts. We'll be there in 20 mins." 
I texted my aunt and said we we're needed at the hotel. 
When we got to the hotel. There was nothing left. I found the group. 
"We're here, but how did Mark catch the hotel on fire?!" Nathan asked.
"Mark.. Explain." Sarah said. 
"Loren and I were doing hacks and cooking with Moren when the cake we were cooking caught on fire.. I'm sorry guys." Mark said. 
I walked over to Mark and gave him a hug and  pulled him aside. 
"Mark it's OK. It wasn't your fault."
"It was my fault, Han." 
"No it wasn't Mark." Mark started crying. This was the first time i'd ever seen Mark Thomas cry. 
I hugged Mark as tight as I could and we walked back to the group. 
"... I don't know what we're going to do with him. Is he going to get suspended or kicked out? This cannot go un.... Yes. Alright. Ok. Thank you. Buh bye." Sarah said to someone on the phone.
"Was that about me?" Mark asked, "Don't lie Sarah." 
"Yes, Sadly it was." Sarah said, "I think you know where this is going Mark." 

His middle name was danger.. but what did it really mean?Where stories live. Discover now