Chapter 6 : The Dinner

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Friday evening, Weizhou was practicing a tune on his guitar. Thanks to the recent stroke of inspiration, he found himself jotting down lyrics and tunes whenever he had the time.

"Weizhou.." He heard his mom call from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" He asked after entering the kitchen.

"Do you know what kind of food JingYu prefers?" She asked while washing some vegetables.

"Um...I don't think so.." Weizhou managed., cause honestly how was he supposed to know that much?

His mother read the look on his face easily. "Your father said you two are friends now."

"We're getting there." He answered. "Need some help?"

"Sure" his mother replied smiling.


Weizhou was back in his room finishing off some homework when he heard a knock on the door which he had left open. He immediately turned to find JingYu standing there. He was wearing the camouflage t-shirt that he was wearing when they first met. He nodded in greeting.

"Hey." Weizhou smiled getting up.

"Been a while." JingYu said.

"It sure has."

"Cozy." JingYu commented while taking in the room's interior.

"Um...that's one way to put it." Weizhou answered.

"How are things?" JingYu's gaze finally landed on him.

"Not bad."


"Going well."


"Pretty good."

"Homework?" JingYu nodded at the table.

"Almost done."

"Boyfriend?" He asked nonchalantly examining an ornament atop a rack.

Weizhou froze for a moment. "Not here." he answered uncomfortably.

"Bummer." JingYu diverted his attention back to Weizhou.

"Indeed.." Weizhou was honestly not sure how else to respond.

There was a pause.

"Trouble in paradise?" JingYu looked at him with a hint of amusement.

"You're really interested in my love life." Weizhou commented while mirroring his expression.

JingYu smirked. "Just being part of this stupid town."

"Huh?" Weizhou furrowed his eyebrows.

JingYu lazily leaned against the door frame. "Like this morning for example, I was walking home after school minding my own business, when this old lady bumped into me. She started ranting about you and your perfect boyfriend." He did quotation marks with his hands for the last two words. "And how I'm a bad influence and should back off. So annoying."

Weizhou listened in disbelief for a moment. "Must be Mrs.Lulu." He giggled.

"More like Mrs.Delulu" JingYu scoffed.

That made Weizhou giggle more. "Don't mind her."

"Boys, dinner is ready." Weizhou's mom called.


The group of five people sat around the table enjoying dinner. The three elders were discussing things involving the town. Some of their silly remarks made Weizhou and JingYu, who were sitting facing each other, exchange mutual looks.

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