Chapter 8 : The Nerve!

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Thursday was a relatively restful day for Weizhou. Having finished the exams, the pressure was off for the time-being. He and Liang had exchanged a few words during school and through texts, but for most part Liang had let him take his space. Thus he set off to unwind outside after lunch with Wang.

"Well he can't sit for exams again for three months." Wang went on about a friend who had gotten caught cheating during an exam. "I warned the idiot!"

"Isn't that a bit hypocritical?" Weizhou teased, referring to the fact that Wang himself had once got caught cheating.

"Hey that was a small test! And I learnt my lesson."

Weizhou giggled, but his attention was suddenly drawn to some passing students who kept turning back to look at something behind him while whispering. He himself lazily turned to see what the fuss was about.

What he saw almost made him trip and fall but Wang quickly steadied him.

There stood JingYu on one end of a building, facing a girl who was leaning against the wall, with his left hand placed next to her head while the other fiddled with her long hair. Both boys instantly recognized the girl. She was one of the seniors, popular for her stunning looks. However she was also known for her arrogance and superiority complex.

Wang noticed that junior girls who glanced at the couple were red with envy then he looked at his friend to see that his complexion was no different.

The girl was acting all coy as JingYu leaned in and whispered something in her ear.

"When the fuck did he even get back?" Weizhou angrily muttered.

"What?" Wang asked in confusion.

"Jerk!" Weizhou cursed before muttering more inaudible words under his breath.

Wang chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Weihou snapped.

"You're adorable when you're jealous." Wang answered.


"Hahaah look at that pout!" Wang imitated his expression.

"Fuck off!" Weizhou pushed him before walking back to the class in quick steps.

Wang shook his head as he followed.


That day Weizhou chose to hang out with Wang after school. They simply walked around the town buying street food and browsing DVDs and CDs of new movies and albums. They enjoyed their snacks on the rooftop of a small deserted building.

"You know..,Liang looks miserable these days." Wang mentioned casually while studying Weizhou.'

Weizhou didn't respond and instead kept eating.

"Cut him some slack man." Wang nudged him.

Weizhou simply nodded.

"By the way, is there something else you wanna talk about?"

Weizhou looked him in the eye. "Like what?"

Wang shrugged,. "I don't know.. Just felt that way."

"I'm good. Actually better than ever." Weizhou got up. "Let's go!"


Weizhou walked back home, listening to a new metal album he had downloaded. He almost passed his bench before realizing that someone was seated on it. And it was none other than JingYu.

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