My Sunshine

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The next day is unexpectedly warm, with sunlight streaming in through the dappled trees. It's symbolic in a way- it promises peace, light and warmth. All the things the cold has taken from me.

Without a doubt, it's greenleaf now- early greenleaf, barely warm and kind as it usually, is, but greenleaf nonetheless.

I watch the camp with interest, Rabbitkit and Brightkit bleary-eyed by my side. "Today's the day." I lick them both behind the ears, Rabbitkit squealing with indignance. Brightkit just purrs.

"I'm going to be the biggest strongest warrior ever!" Rabbitkit leaps at Brightkit, who squeals, falling back with paws flailing everywhere. Phantomkit and Mosskit watch enviously from the nursery.

I hear Mothstar's cry from the center of camp, her voice ringing out over the warm morning. Cats prick their ears to listen, padding amiably to the Hightree where she stands, nodding to her warriors in turn. A bruised and bloody Blazefur sits down below her, still hurt from the battle.

"We come here today because two young kits are ready to begin their training and earn their rank among the loyal warriors of DragonClan." Mothstar says, and without even being asked, my kits bound forward without hesitation, puffed up with pride, eyes glittering with happiness. I look down at them, purring softly. They're so sweet and young. Hopefully their dreams are not tainted with nightmares like mine, and will never be.

"Rabbitkit, you will now be known as Rabbitpaw. Lionfur will be your mentor. May he teach you all the loyalty and bravery needed of a true warrior." Rabbitpaw touches noses with the large, golden furred warrior, trembling with joy.

"Brightkit, you will know be known as Brightpaw. Your mentor will be Cobrastrike. May he teach you kindness and compassion." Brightpaw respectfully dips her head, the two cats meeting at the Highrock in solemn but certain understanding.

I'm so proud, but I can't help seeing the third phantom shape on the Hightree.

The one that should have been there with them.

The day goes on, Mothstar sending me on a hunting patrol with Dragonwing, Beesting (who's gray muzzle indicates that she may not have many hunting patrols left), and Moonblaze. The four of us working together manage to catch a vole, a starling, and a pawful of mice. We bring the catch back around the time when the sun begins plunging like a hawk from it's pedestal in the sky, returning back to the earth in a blaze of light.

It's beautiful and terrifying all at once.

Firepool comes bounding up to me, a smile across his face that proves he's up to no good. "What is it now?" I ask, suppressing the need to bat him across the face like a kit.

"I found kits."

"You what?!"

He leads me to them, two young kits a little younger than Lilyfrost's. Maybe around three moons of age, they look bedraggled and one of them is bleeding from the nose.

"What are their names?"

"None..." the scruffy gold one with amber eyes looks up at me, holding his silvery brother by his side.

"That's easily remedied. How about ..."

"Amberkit." I suggest, wrapping the gold one tight in a warm embrace.

"...And Everkit." Firepool names the other one decisively, and my hackles raise. Why would he name a kit after the former StoneClan deputy? Then I remember with a painful jolt. Everstone was Firepool's brother. How much sympathy does he have for his past kin?

I know that sometimes, the worst part of me wants Cinderstar back.The way it used to be. The way it never can be again.

We can't redo our mistakes, care for those we should've cared for, cry for those we never got the time to mourn. However, we can stop these losses before they happen.

That's what I intend to do.

"Amberkit, Everkit." I whisper in their ears, "Welcome to DragonClan. This is your family now."

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