Dealing With a Stalker

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I'm Eren Jeager, age 20 and work at a small coffee shop while going to college at Sina University.

For awhile now I've had this feeling of someone watching me. Though I usually ignore it because it's normal, but this one's feeling is always constant.

It feels like it's full on lust for me that drives them to watch me. Which makes me think it's a stalker, but that's exactly what I don't need.

Plus I have no interest in dating and my closest friends know that.

So I've been thinking of ways to possibly get them to stop, but the thing about that is I don't know who would help.

All of my friends either are away or with someone else that gets jealous really easily. I mean I could ask Armin, but he's not really the kind of person to be able to defend himself if some random person decides to attack him because he's pretending to be with... okay I should stop.

Anyway I still don't know what to do or at least who could help.

As I get people's orders I feel the persons gaze getting stronger and stronger. This feels so uncomfortable.

Then one of our most eye-catching regulars come in, Levi.

In hotness he takes it all the way and no one can compare, but some people have mentioned his height as a flaw multiple times.

He's not the tallest.

But maybe...

I just got the stupidest idea I ever had.

Levi comes up to the counter and says, "I'll have my regular."

"Okay sir." I say then look at the others seeing they already started making his coffee.

Yeah, pretty much no one has to say anything to know exactly what Levi wants.

Levi then pulls out his wallet and gives me the exact change for his drink, but before he leaves I quietly ask, "Can we talk after my shift?"



"If it's something stupid you'll regret asking me." He cuts me off then gets his drink and goes to his regular seat.

Yeah, forgot to mention... Levi's not really the nicest person to meet.

I'm already regretting.

After my shift ends it's around 8:30 and I see Levi waiting for me outside. He didn't really have to do that.

"Hey Levi." I say getting his attention.

"So I waited, what are you going to talk about?" He asks in a low somewhat angry tone.

This conversation is starting off well maybe I can ask someone else...

"Hey I asked you a question." He says getting my attention.

"Oh yeah, um can you help me kinda get rid of a stalker."

No going back now.

"Kind of?" He asks obviously confused.

"Yeah, I just want whoever follows me to stop and lose interest." I explain.

"So you want someone to be less attracted to you."

"Yeah, pretty much."

He doesn't say anything for awhile but then says, "Okay I'll do it, on one condition though."

"Wha-what is it?" I ask nervously.

Please be nothing bad, please be nothing bad.

"You have to do whatever I tell you for as long as I have to act as your boyfriend." He says with a straight face.

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