Always Protect

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My name is Levi Ackerman I'm 19 years old and currently having to take care of a friend of my mother's son, Eren Jaeger.

He's a 5 year old brat that I'm not very fond of.

Though he's not a bad kid, I'm just not very fond of children.

I will say he is one of the cutest.

I go out for a walk holding onto Eren's hand while he has a joyful skip in each step. He looks around fascinated with the world around him and laughs happily.

He's so innocent to the world, I don't want him to see anything but happiness.

Though I know at some point he'll have to see the reality, but not now.

We go to the park and Eren instantly yells, "There's ice cream!"

"Do you want some?"

"Mhm!" He smiles and nods.

"Okay then."

We walk over to the stand and Eren says excited, "I want chocolate!"

"Okay Eren." I say looking down at Eren then at the worker, "One small chocolate ice cream."

"Yes sir, will that be all?" I nod then the vender continues, "That'll be two dollars."

I take out my money while the worker gets the ice cream ready. We make the exchange and I give the ice cream to Eren. Then turn to the worker and thank them while Eren runs to a park bench.

I follow him to the bench, sitting down next to him asking, "Is it good?"

Eren nods then asks, "Why didn't you get one?"

"I didn't want one."

"But it's so good... try mine!"

Eren holds his ice cream to my face and grins.

I sigh and say, "Okay."

I lick the ice cream and and give him a slight smile while saying, "It's really good."

"Right! Chocolate is my favorite!" He then continues to happily eat his ice cream and I smile at him.

He's so adorable.

When he gets to the cone part Eren looks up at me and says, "You wanna know what my mommy and daddy told me yesterday."

"Sure." I say smiling.

"They said when I grow up I'm gonna love and care about someone so much that we'll get married."


"Yep! And you know what?"


"I already found the one I want to marry!"

"Oh really? Who's the lucky person?"

After I ask he gives me a huge smile and says confidently, "You are, Levi."


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