Perverted Master

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I so don't want to work here anymore!

Seriously last time I checked I'm a guy that doesn't want to wear a maid outfit. I mean I know guys that are perfectly fine wearing a maid dress, but me, no.

I always thought I could go through life never needing to wear a maids outfit, but the master of this house I swear is the biggest pervert ever. He makes everyone wear one, now I realize why there's mostly women that work here but I have to stay because I need the money to support my family. Of course what he also has to make me wear is barely to no underwear so I feel like I'm being even more violated when he looks at me.

Though there's something that's even more annoying with him. He looks up my skirt constantly when I walk by doing work. I don't know if he does to anyone else but he always does it to me and it's annoying.

All of these thoughts go through my head while I'm helping out my adopted sister Mikasa in the kitchen.

At least here I won't see the master.

"Eren are you alright? You look like you're about to punch someone." Mikasa says while carrying a box of potatoes walking past me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I answer.

"Liar." She replies silently but still loud enough for me to hear.

"No I'm not." I reply the same way she did to me.

"Yes you are. You're thinking of the master right? I know he pretty much sexually harasses you every time he sees you in your outfit but I promise he will regret it if he does it again."

"What can you do?"

"Many things. He shouldn't be doing that to you."

"Well thanks for caring for me but maybe you shouldn't do anything to him." I suggest.

Mikasa thinks over what I said then says, "Fine then I'll just get going then."


Mikasa continues to work and I continue mine which just now has to be delivering some tea to the master.

I swear he can get someone else to do it that is actually good at making tea and works in the kitchen.

As I'm about to take his tea up to his office I suddenly feel my dress being lifted. I instantly tense up then turn to see the master look right at my ass.

"Hmm it's gotten bigger."

"Ahh! Master!" I yell turning around completely making him let go of the skirt.

"Why do you seem so surprised I do that a lot to you?" He asks.

Well I wonder why it's called sexual harassment you pervert!

I just think that in my head though if I ever said it verbally who knows what will happen.

Mikasa looks like she's about to kill the master though so I quickly say, "Well I have your tea ready and I was about to go up to your office to give to you."

"Okay, then let's go to my office now."

He then walks away and I follow him.

Once we get inside I set the tea set down on his desk and pour some into his cup. When I'm finished I turn to the door to go but the master stands there blocking my way through.

"Umm master, I have to get back to work now so may I please get past you?" I ask as nicely as I can without getting irritated.

"You're work can hold for a while. Jaeger, do you realize why I wanted you up here?"

"No I have no idea master."

I notice the door is locked behind him and I'm now panicking inside. What's going on?!

"I'm interested in you. You didn't leave once you realized what you had to wear and you haven't left since I started lifting your skirt."

He gets closer then quickly pins me to the wall.

"You honestly turn me on. You have such a perfect body and I have to admit that I don't believe you're straight."

"W-what do you mean? I-I am straight." I stutter.

Wow I'm sure I didn't sound sure.

"Really then you won't feel any romanticism when I do this?"

"Do what?"

Right after I ask he kisses my neck and starts to press himself against me. He slides his hand to my ass and starts to undo my belts on my legs that is only being held up by the clasp resting on my tailbone. Once the belts fall off he's able to slide his hand into my thin underwear I have to wear and begins to rub his fingers around my asshole.

With his other hand he undoes my dress and let's it fall to the ground as well. I'm now almost completely naked in front of him and he's still sucking onto my neck.

Is he trying to give me a hickey?

"M-master... pl-please stop..." I beg.

He gives me no answer but continues then after awhile a moan escapes my mouth.

The master moves away from me after that happens and says, "You're too cute.

He devilishly smirks at me then turns away.

I stare at him awkwardly and feel so violated.

What was that about? Was there any goal to that? What was wanting to be accomplished?

All these questions fill my head then the master  turns and says to me, "Come here."

I cautiously move toward the master and when I get to him he asks me, "What do you think of becoming mine?"

"...wait, what?!"

I'm shocked at what was just asked. Why would he...?

"You heard me, so what's your answer?"

"Umm, master are you sure that's appropriate?"

"Of course, I can do as I please."

Seriously however this guy was raised it wasn't in a good way. He can be so selfish and stuck up.

"Master I... I accept." I guess I'll have to live through this.

"Wonderful, by the way call me by my first name when we're alone."

"What, but mast-"

"You heard me Eren." He cuts me off.

"Yes I understand, Levi."

"Great... now should we continue?"

After he says that he kisses me right on the lips and that whole night we had sex.

Hello readers I hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry if it was bad I tried but I have some personal things going on and so much time that's being taken up that I'm barely on here. I'm sorry about that and I'm trying to get as many of my chapter ideas finished as soon as possible for you guys to read. I hope I see you next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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