Chapter 3- a sweet evening in coming

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You let out your other Pokémon for Bonnie.






"What?", you say confused as Kirlia walks in. Ash looks at her and says: "You have Kirlia?! How cool!" You answer: "Yeah guess so and throw a Pokéball at Kirlia. She stays inside and you let her out again to spend the evening with Bonnie.

"That's unfair! Sis, I want take-away food too! I want to stay with Bonnie, please!"

You sigh: "Fine you can stay too."

She squirks: "This is going to be so cool, (y/b)! We're having a sleepover with the Pokémon!"

"YES! And we'll get take away food!"

Clemont and you warn the both: "Be careful!"

So you four can finally leave. You find a nice place and eat some rice balls.

While Ash is talking with Sereena and CLemont about his next battle you look outside the window as you see a computer supply shop. You have to think of the first time Clemont and you talked. It was only a few years ago. You both couldn't find a partner fro science fair project and you had to work together. Ss you brainstormed a bit when he suddenly said: "Glasses with Gadgets! That's it!" "That's brilliant!", you answered with sparkling eyes "We could include a Pokémon fight analyzer incuding the type advantages with a Pokédex!" "Yeah sounds great!", Clemont said witha huge a grin on his face and sparkling eyes. Remembering that you have to smile.

Suddenly you bite your fingers: "Ouch!"

Clemont's POV

Ash is talking about batteling that gym here. "Don't forget the type advantages! You tend to forget them." I say a bit lost in thought. I look at (y/n). She seems spaced out, as if she were dreaming. I wonder what she's thinking about. Awww... that adorable smile on her face appears. So cute, could kiss her cheek like this. Wait what did I just think?! However she must be thinking of something dreamy. "Ouch!" she suddenly shouts. She bit herself. I can't help but have to chuckle. "You should focus more on eating", I laugh. She blushes and rolls her eyes. I finish eating too. Ash is the last one and still eating. I dom't understand how a boy of our size can eat that much and even talk while doing that: "I-mmmm-definechely-mm-going cho-*swallows*-win tommorow!" "You should sleep enough to be fully concentrated tomorrow.", Sereena ads "We should go home now." Ash nods at her. I say: "We have to get some food for Bonnie and (y/b). (y/n) and me will come a bit later, right, (y/n)?" She doesn't answer and looks out of the window again so I nudge her a bit. "Oh I'm sorry, I spaced out. What were you saying?", she excuses. "It's okay. I just were saying that we're going to go back to the apartment later because we have to get food for the little ones.", I explain to her and she nods. So we go outside and say goodbye to Ash and Sereena.

personal narrator again (or whatever narrator the normal one is, am not too good in english class)

You two walk down the street looking at the shops everywhere around you. It's a pretty cold and windy night and the moon glows bright behind the dark clouds.

"So what do we get them?", Clemont asks you.

"Hmm, let's see. (Y/b) doesn't like most vegetables but likes fruits and Bonnie loves sweets...So how about a cake with fruits on it?"

Clemont chuckles

"That's no real dinner!"

"We promised them to get them take-away food which kids use as a synonym for unhealthy but tasty food. Come on, we just have to pay attention that they brush their properly!"

He chuckles again and nods.

"I guess that was a yes?"


"See, there's a bakery over there!", you say and point at a bright shop window filled with tons of colorful cakes and Poképuffs at the end of the street. While you walk there it starts to rain. As you feel tzhe cold raindrops falling on your face and freezing wind on your skin you start to run in direction of the warm light and the sweet smell of the bakery. Clemont is following you.

You arrive at the bakery, step inside and try to calm down a bit first. The rain is dripping down your hair and faces and you are exhausted. Clemont takes off his glasses and cleans them saying: "Guess we have to wait a bit until it stops raining. At least we can warm up a bit and have more time to choose the right cake." You are exitedly nodding while staring at these wonderful sweet things around you, including Clemont. You sit down at a table and Clemont orders a tea for you both.

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