Chapter 4- A sweet evening - part one

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As soon as you ordered each a cup of tea, green tea for Clemont and your favourite tea for you, you run off to the counter and press your face against the window dreaming of these wonderful cakes, cupcakes and sweets.

Clemont's POV

I wonder what (y/n) chooses. Hmm...she seems a bit too excited. But still adorable though. I'll walk over to her. "(y/n)? Earth to (y/n)?" She turns around and looks at me. She still has these sparks in her eyes and is so excited saying: "I choose the cake over there, the one with the colorful berries, bet they'll love it. What do you think?" I look at the cake she points at. It really looks tasty. Wow. I'm fancying that chocolate cake here. Seems like she does too. It looks so tasty. Maybe she's up for some dessert. "Yeah it's nice. And how about us sharing a piece of chocolate cake? I saw you marvelling at it." Aw how cute! An adorable, embarrassed smile forms on her face. I could kiss her cute red cheeks now. She answers: "Yeah a piece of cake would be nice."

Back to usual narrator

You get the cake for Bonnie and (y/b) and a piece of chocolate cake to share for you and Clemont. The tea arrives just in time and you take a few sips listening to the music playing in the background. It's already late and the cafe is becoming quite empty so you can really here the music even though it's kind of quiet. You eat a bit cake.

You look at Cemont and quickly turn your head to the window. You are nervous. You want to talk to him but you don't know about what. Your heart beat faster and you face turns red. You try to hide it behind your hair.

Clemont's POV

I take a sip of tea and look at (y/n) but she suddenly turns her head to the window. What the heck is she doing with her hair? Hmm. In general she behaved a bit different recently. So often excited and sometimes hiding her face. I wonder what's the reason. She didn't even eat much cake and looks a bit nervous. I wish our glasses could analyize humans. Oh now that I think of it, we have to repair them tomorrow. I look at her but she still looks away nervously. I really want to talk to her. Guess I have to start a conversation.

"So, how did you get Kirlia? When I was in Lumiose city the last time you didn't have her yet and earlier you threw the Pokéball at her the first time."

"Oh, that was pretty unexpected. You see, when we ran to the center because of Togepi, Kirlia crossed our way. It was as if she had been waiting for us. She seemed worried about Togepi and jumped around, shouting, trying to warn me of the tree. But I didn't take her seriously. So I stumbled over the tree. Luckily (y/b) listened to her. I don't want to imagine what would have happene to Togepi if (y/b) had fallen down. She saved Togepi's life and reminded me to trust in Pokémon. Then she just followed me around and somehow sneaked into my bag an I didn't notice it."

Clemont looks a bit surprised and adjusts his glasses.

"Interesting. Pokémon can really make us see things that weren't clear for us before."

You nod and looks out of the window. It's still raining and you take an other sip of tea.

"Talking of getting Pokémon, Clemont, how did you get Bunnelby? You never told me."

He smiles at you.

"That was pretty awesome. One day Bonnie and me fell down into the subway of Lumiose city when following Bunnelby who ran away with our apple. Down there we kept following Bunnelby an saw that he took the apple for his friends he lived with in an old train. But then a Diggerby attacked them an threw them out of the train! Bunnelby tried to fight it and protect his friends, but lost. I put some bandages on it and it wanted to fight again but I had to stop him. Diggerby was way too strong for Bunnelby to defeat just like that! Then I found a strategy Bunnelby could use to win and we trained it together. We wroked as a good Team an actually won.However the train station was about to get demolated and I moved the train car with my Clemontic gear but there was a boulder in the way. Luckily Diggersby returned and removed it so I could drive the train safely to out of the subway to a nice old train station outside surrounded by bushes full of berries. They all seemed very happy and that was nice to see. But I was a bit sad that I had to leave Bunnelby. I said goodbye to him and left. Surprisingly he followed me and wanted to stay with me, so I took him with me. I was so happy! If you ask Bonnie she claims that I cried, but that's exagerrated.
That little adventure was a perfect example for the importance of strategy and teamwork."

"Cool! Hmm. Yeah, teamwork is important and fun once you found the right team."
You look at him with sparkling eyes and a cute smile.
"And there's no human I'd rather work with than you. Being with you is so nice"
You sigh happily.

Clemont blushs and grins at you. He takes your hand and your body temperature increases a lot and your heart beats faster and faster. He replies:

"Same for me. We're a perfect team. And.." He turn into a dark red , takes a deep breath and says: "No one makes me more comfortable than you do. Well we've been friends for quite a while now " He looks down at the table, then up to your face again and sees your smile. He seems a bit relieved and continues. "I like you more than a friend. I would love to spend more time with you. It would be awesome if we got closer."

You can't really believe it. This is what you were hoping for. You get super excited and have to grin. Inside you try to call down before speaking.

Clemont's POV

I finally said it. I'm so relieved. Why doesn't she asnwer tho? She seems happy to hear that. What is going on in her head? It seems like she likes the idea, but please talk mt cute girl, say it please!

"(Y/n)? So? What do you think?" I smile at her, full of hope.

Back to personal narrator

You smile back and calm down.

"I really love the idea, Clemont. We spend so much time together and I like you a lot,

we're obviously compatible!",you giggle.

You get up and hug Clemont really tight, trying not to cry of joy. He holds you and you feel his tears on your cheek too. He pushes you back, look at your face and says:

"Please don't cry! I have tho cry too!"

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy! We waited way too long to admit our feelings!"

"But now we did and everything will be okay! Please stop crying, I can't stand seeing tears in your eyes!"

"Yeah i am sorry. *deep breath*I'm so happy! This journey will be great with you! And we'll probably come back to Lumiose city as different persons, more mature persons and...together."

He gets closer to you and you see him getting nervous and so are you. His face is just a few cm away now and you feel your heartbeat getting faster and faster. You instinctively turn your head to the side a bit and close your eyes when his lips touch yours. You feel paralyzing joy running through your body. He puts his arms around you. Even though he's being careful and not too strong you can't really move, you could really use a Paralyze Heal now.

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