My Choice (18)

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No joke I had no sleep last night, and I pulled an all nighter so as soon as this is published, I think Imma sleep.

Dedicated to -_Linlin_- for voting on my work! Thank you!

K, please do the support thing. I'm having a rough two weeks. Very rough. Paper always ends up torn up.



I continuously walk up and down the stairs, pacing while trying to think. Pressing two fingers into my temples, I weigh the pros and cons of my situation. A small Rito girl comes up to me with a fearful expression, "Miss Zelda?" she asks.

Abruptly, I jerk out of my thoughts and look down at her, "Yes, Kheel?"

"Are you and Mr. Link gonna be leaving soon?" she asks, her worry for us apparent in her quivering voice.

My lips twist into a sad smile, "I'm not quite sure yet, sweetie, but I'll let you know when I'm completely positive of what's gonna happen. Does that sound good to you?"

Kheel's head bobs up and down as she nods her head, "That sounds good, Miss Zelda... Now I'm gonna go practice my singing with my sisters!" She gives me a cute smile before taking off, running up the stairs to a little platform that seems to be reserved for her and her sisters.

I feel rather despondent after she leaves, succumbing to some bad feelings. It's as though emotions rush over me, one coming as soon as the other leaves. Anger shakes through my body suddenly, and I slam my fist into a stone wall. I hiss as my knuckles split open slightly, bleeding a bit. Then, I feel fear, a terrible fear that makes me want to crawl into a hole and die so Ganondorf can't find me.

After that, I feel a crushing sorrow for all those who've passed away needlessly, from my village, from the arena, and from all of Hyrule.

Then, I sink to my knees and just stay there for a while. No one disturbs me, choosing to go back up or down the stairs to avoid contact with me.

Sifting through the thoughts of my confused mind, I know I'll have to not follow my mind - to not follow logic. Logic tells me that I should go back to the forest with Dan where it's safe. But my heart's telling me to go with Link to Gerudo Town, no matter what may happen to me if I do.

Rising quickly, I rush to find both Link and Dan, checking multiple alcoves of the huge towering structure. Finally, I find them, debating together while Rusl, Riju, and Colin stand off to the side, watching them.

When no one notices my entrance, I figure I'll have to make myself known by clearing my throat loudly. That doesn't work; their voices are rising rapidly, and I know that I'll probably have to raise my voice as well, just to be heard.

So, I do. "Um - Guys?" Still doesn't work. "Guys!"

Immediately, all five people in the room snap their heads around to look at me. I must look ridiculous, I realize, standing in my night gown, arms thrown wide like a bird.

Rusl is the first to break the silence. "Zelda!" he exclaims, striding toward me quickly to embrace me. "I'm here to collect Colin - Thank you so much for taking care of him - I know it wasn't easy, but Uli and I are forever grateful to you." Then, he realizes I'm in only a nightgown and quickly steps away from me, clearing his throat. "I trust you and Dan will be joining me and Colin on the journey back to the forest?"

I'm at a complete loss for words, but I can see both Dan and Link pause in their bickering to look at me. Stammering like an idiot, I use the next five seconds and just go with my gut, knowing that I'll hurt someone either way.

"Rusl... I think I'm going to stay here at the Village," I say. Both Link and Dan stop in shock, and I shrug helplessly. "I don't want to hurt either of you... Please... Just don't make this harder for me than it already is. I care about you both too much to see you both have an argument over me. That's just silly. Link, you'll go to the Desert with Riju, and, Dan, you'll be going to the forest with Colin and Rusl. I'll be fine - Teba and Revali will look out for me."

Link looks at me, as though he's been betrayed, and I feel bad... But I have a feeling that I should be here - at least for now. His cobalt eyes are flashing, and he gives a swift nod at Riju.

She nods back before stooping slightly to give Colin one last hug. "Take care of yourself, alright, little brother?"

Wide eyed, Colin agrees to whatever she says, hugging her back. "I will, Riju... Don't forget about me, and come to visit!"

"Will do, little brother," Riju winks at him. Then, she and Link take off, Link shooting me several looks before they did so. Then, he steels his jaw and just keeps on walking, not sparing me another glance.

Dan looks absolutely terrifying. His face has turned a bright shade of red, and he stares me down. "What have you done, Zelda?"

"Made my choice," I shoot back without hesitating. I don't know what else he expected me to do... I need to escape this drama. "Dan, things are different now. I don't really know what, but something's changed - something's changed in me."

Rusl and Colin exchange looks before quickly striding out of the room, leaving me and Dan alone.

"It's that boy from the arena, isn't it," Dan says once they're gone, struggling to keep his voice level. "You're choosing him over me. You like him more."

Pressing my fingers to my temples, I respond, "Dan, listen, I care about you, but I'm not the same Zelda anymore. I'm different. I need time to heal. Plus, I didn't even choose him! Calm down! Come back to me later, okay?"

He scoffs at my words, turning on his heel, "Yeah, right - See if I will. Nice knowing you, Zelda."

And then I'm left to wonder just what exactly I'd done wrong...

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