Impending Doom (12)

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Thanks for 200 followers, guys! I'm forever grateful! :)))

I'm loving this story rn - what do you guys think? ;p

This one's dedicated to SCLA2369 for recently reading a ton of my work <3

So, please read/enjoy/vote/comment/follow/and all that stuffs cuz I'm a tired person. lol. love you guys xD



Our hands are tied together with thick cords and rusted chains; among all the other prisoners, Link, Colin, Riju, and I were chosen to die in the arena. We're going to die. I begin to panic on our way up the stone stairs. Each step brings us closer to our impending doom.

On our way up, Riju whispers to me and Link, giving us helpful tidbits that could help us in the arena. She seems to have a great deal of knowledge about the arena, even though she's so young. Her mother is apparently Urbosa, the great Gerudo chieftain, and her aunt is Nabooru, second in command. She's absolutely convinced that both Urbosa and Nabooru will come to rescue her from this death trap.

Among all the information Riju has given us, there's one piece that has especially sparked Link's interest. Apparently, Ganondorf purposefully built the arena around this one specific spot in the center - a pedestal containing a supposedly "magic" sword.

It's like some kind of sick joke. No one can pull that sword, and it's the only weapon in the entire arena, unless you can somehow steal a weapon from the monsters that are waiting to tear us apart. Our only hope is to succeed in stealing a weapon from one of those monsters because there's no way we'll be able to pull a so called magical sword from a pedestal.

Still, it gives Link hope and a renewed fire in his icy eyes. There's a certain purpose in his step that I can't seem to understand, and he's fiercely protective of me, Riju, and Colin. Others around us are sick and cowardly, yet somehow, we all seem different.

Gritting my teeth as they lead us away like sheep to a slaughter, I try to keep myself together.

We're led through corridors and hallways, and I'm not even sure if I'd be able to make my way back to the dungeons if I ever escaped from these guards. Not that I'd want to go back to the dungeons anyways...

Finally, we stop in front of a huge metal door that's at least three times my size. It's controlled with a huge chain, and a guard sneers at us wickedly.

Ghirahim claps his hands together delightedly. "Oh, this will be just splendid, won't it? Lord Ganondorf will just adore this round, I'm sure. I chose the very best candidates, don't you believe so, Zant?"

"I do agree, Ghirahim," Zant nods his head excitedly. "You did a fine job selecting the candidates, although I do believe I could do a better job than you."

"Oh please," Ghirahim responds with a roll of his eyes. "You couldn't do better than me even if you tried."

This is the dumbest argument I've ever heard. As they continue to fight, I drown out their conversation, instead focusing on the fact that the metal door has begun to slowly slide upward. I'm suddenly aware of the fact that the guards are unchaining us and are pushing people inside the arena.

The arena's an enclosed area with seating all around. Monsters and those under Ganondorf's command are watching as people get thrown into their deaths.

Link catches my eye quickly as he's shoved into the arena with Colin. I stumble in after him, clutching Riju's hand like a lifeline. We regain our footing only to see that Riju's right - There's a pedestal in the center with a glowing sword.

For the moment, there are only people here, but I know that soon, they'll be releasing the monsters. Some people are so sickly that they die almost as soon as they hit the ground. There are maybe fifty or so of us remaining out of the original batch of people.

I look out into the jeering crowd and cringe instantly; monsters and cold hearted people are screaming and cheering for our deaths. I hold Riju close, and Link firmly grips Colin's hand. A motherly instinct is awoken within me, and all I can think of is that there must be someway for me and Link to save Colin and Riju.

They only give us a few seconds more to adjust to our new surroundings before they release several beasts and monsters into the arena.

My heart is beating harder than I think is healthy, and the beasts go to the weak and injured first. Colin's clearly scared, but he tries to put on a brave front; Riju looks as though she's dealt with these kinds of beasts before so she knows what's coming. Then, Link...

Link isn't here.

I begin to search for him frantically - I thought he promised he'd never leave any of us! Instead, he's left us when we need him the most.

Frightened out of my mind, I grab Colin's hand and drag both him and Riju away to a stone wall where we can breathe, watching the fight and trying to find Link in the crowd.

The tears finally slip out of my eyes as an old man screams, a monster tearing into his flesh. Colin turns away, hiding his head in my waist, while Riju wears a straight face, determined and accepting of her fate.

I never thought I'd die like this. Yet here I am.

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