Holding My Hand (21)

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Man, this story will hopefully be ending soon???? I'd give it maybe... Ten more chapters? xD ... Hopefully it doesn't take that long, but I don't have a good gauge on how many words it'll take per scene.

Dedicated to beyondthescene- for binge-reading, like, ten chapters of this recently, lol. That cracked me up because I do the same thing xD

Please do the support thing and enjoy because I'm tired. and sick. in the summer.



I bounce back really quickly, and Link makes me swear to never scare him like that ever again. So I do, knowing that he's absolutely terrified for my life sometimes as well as my mental sanity; it's only taken us a few days before getting together a complete plan, perfect for our attack. It might be rather reckless due to the fact that, as of now, we only have a few Rito and Gerudo warriors to back us up, but we decide that we have no choice.

Ganondorf has to be stopped, and Link and I are the only ones who can do so.

During the meager days before our planned attack, Teba and another Rito warrior split up in order to fly to both Death Mountain and Zora's Domain to communicate our need for numbers to both the Zoras and the Gorons. They've been just as terrorized by Ganondorf as the rest of Hyrule so they might be interested in helping us out.

I know most of the village populations, though, are devastatingly all gone, the people thrown into the arena long ago. Hyrule Field is full of ruined cities and villages as well as the rest of Hyrule. Gerudo Town, Zora's Domain, Death Mountain, and Rito Village are all tucked away at the four corners of Hyrule, isolated and hidden from Ganondorf's gaze.

Unfortunately, my village wasn't so lucky, but we managed to hide out for so long - years even. That's something most villages can't say.

We can really only hope that the Gorons and Zoras will decide to back us up, but even if they don't, Link and I, along with some of the Gerudo and Rito, will "storm the Castle" as Riju puts it. Urbosa's gifted me with a beautiful bow and a fully stocked quiver of arrows so I think I'll be fine when it comes to combat. Hopefully. Once my arrows run out, I'll just have to make do with whatever I can find. Link has his sword while the other Rito and Gerudo are armed with seemingly powerful weapons like scimitars and spears.

Urbosa has decided that she and Revali will lead the attack from the Gerudo-Rito perspective with Mipha of the Zoras and Daruk of the Gorons leading their own group of warriors if they agree. Riju and Nabooru, Urbosa's sister, will stay behind to guard Gerudo Town. And so, our trek through the Desert begins with days of walking in the extreme heat to spending the night in the freezing cold and lying on the uncomfortable sand.

I've kept my hair in a braid this whole time, hoping that the sand doesn't slip in and make the texture all weird. It's so hard walking here, and it feels as though my feet just sink in the sand; sometimes, Link grips my hand, keeping me standing upright.

We're surrounded by our small army, and my stomach lurches, thinking about how many more monsters Ganondorf has under his command. It'd take an absolute miracle to beat him. But I believe we can do it.

Upon inspecting my fingernails, I realize just how much sand has gotten under there. It reminds me so much of the way things used to be at my village back home - there was always dirt beneath my nails. I can see the Castle - I've been able to see it in the distance for about a day or two now, and it looks huge, even from here.

Biting my lip so hard I draw blood, I can feel the dread rising up from within me. I don't want to do this, but I feel like I have to - there's such a strong sense inside me that what we're doing is right that I'm not especially afraid. I think it also has something to do with the fact that Link's holding my hand...

"You alright, Zel?" Link asks, glancing over at me as we walk.

Shrugging, I respond, "I'm doing as alright as I possibly can be at this point. Does your head hurt, too?"

He shakes his head, "No... Zel, I think you need to drink some water. You don't look like you feel well... You might be dehydrated." Passing me a canteen of water, he watches me gulp down some of the water carefully.

"I'll be fine, Link," I reply. "You should drink some, too." It's really hot and dry here, and having the cool water slip down my scratchy throat was a blessing. It looks for a moment like he's really torn - I can tell that he's desperately thirsty but is trying to save the water for me. I hate how sacrificial he is sometimes so I shove the canteen at him. "Drink, Link. Please."

He breaks within a few minutes of my pleading and takes a conservative sip before screwing the lid back on. "There - Happy now?"

"Not really..." my voice trails off. "But it'll do for now, I suppose."

My heart pounds within my chest as I realize how close we are to the Castle. I can even see the huge structure close to it that doubles as the arena. Bad memories flood my mind, and I grip Link's hand even tighter, my eyes going wide.

With me, Link, Revali, and Urbosa in the lead, we can see a group coming to meet us, and we can't tell if they're friend or foe from this distance.

As though he can sense my fear, Link squeezes my hand in reassurance, "I have a good feeling about this, Zel."

Well, Link, I hope your good feeling is right because mine are normally horribly wrong.

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