{32} real life,

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"Oh. My. Goodness." I say as i stare into the rides inside the six flags. I can picture my pissing my pants in every single one of them.

"What?" Hannah asks.

"Holy fuck, Can i change my mind, please?" I said stunned.

"Oh, stop being a pussy!" Jess rolls her eyes, "It wasn't that bad."

I gulp, "I hate heights. And i don't have a death wish. I'm gonna get a heart attack!"

"You'll be fine, Ollie. And you agreed into this." Hannah pipped in and pull my hand to join the line into the rollercoaster.

"Fuck. Why can't we go to the dolphins first? Why do we have to start with this scary ride." My heart is beating fast.

Then i heard a chuckle from behind me. Jeff chuckled at me. I smiled at him, and surprisingly he smiled back.

And somehow that made me feel a little bit better. My heart starts to getting warm.

"I'm gonna sit in the front!" Jess yells and pulls Justin with her. I laugh at Justin's terrified face.

I grab Hannah's hand and pull her with me to the third seat, but she pulls her hand back and shake her head, "Sorry honey, i'm with Clay." She fake pouts; i glare her. She winked and nodded towards Jeff.

Damn you Hannah and your little evil plan.

I look behind me and see Jeff alone. Wow, i guess i know who am i gonna sit with then. I, then sit in the third seat with Hannah and Clay in front of me and Monty and Alex behind me.

Soon, Jeff joins me into the ride with a little hesitate. I smiled and him, and he did the same and ease up a little bit.

"Scared?" I half-smiled at him.

He chuckled and shook his head, "No. I'm gonna be fearless for the both of us."

I nodded. And the count down starts.

Four. Three. Two.

I take a deep breath and grab Jeff hand. God, i hope he didn't flinch. He turn his head toward me but i don't have a courage to meet his questioning eyes, then he decided to grabs my hand too.


I closed my eyes, not doing anything. Just giving up if i'm gonna pass out.

"Ollie!" A voice yelled at me, "Ollie! Open your eyes!"


I shake my head and yell, "No!"

"Open it Ollie! It'd be better if you do so!" Jeff yelled once again

I take a deep breath and slowly open my eyes.

Within a second i open my eyes, i screamed.

"That's better! Scream as loud as you can!" Jeff assures me.

I squeezed Jeff hands harder and scream. And seconds by seconds, i feel more better.

Then we pull off and stop. I ease up immediately and release a long breath.

"You good?" Jeff asks.

I nodded, "I'll never go to this ride any more." He chuckled and help me get out of the ride.

"Where do you want to go next?"Alex asks.

"I'm kind of hungry." Justin says, Monty, Jess, and Hannah agreed with Justin.

"Okay then, we off to get food!" Clay said, still holding hands with Hannah.

"But, i really want to see the penguin or the dolphins!" I pout and stomped my feet.

"We'll go to the food court first and then we go there." Hannah says.

I sigh and pout more. And they ignored me and continue to walk, i sigh.

"Lets see the penguin, i'll go with you." Jeff offered.

"Really?" I beam, and He nodded, trying to resist his own smile.

"You're the only person i gave up to eat a delicious food for." I couldn't handle my smile when he said that. I like him like this. Not hating me.

"Okay then, let's go." I pulled his hand and he grabbed my hand.

"Oh my god, look his little feet!" I mumbled to myself, clearly excited. I probably look like a kid, but i honestly don't care.

Jeff looks at me, "Fuck you're so cute." Jeff whispers to himself.

I turn to him and raise my eyebrow at him. "You're cute, too." I wink at him jokingly, he blushes.

He laughed out loud. "Do you want to go to the elephant show now?" I nodded and he holds my hand once again. This day is easier than most of our day.

I guess because we wanted to pretend like everything is okay.

When we arrived, there's a lot of people already seat. We sat in front of the stage, Jeff's hand is still on mine, i hope he would never let go. Within a minutes of waiting, the show starts.

"Focus on the show Jeff!" I whisper-yelled at him.

"I am."

"No, you're not. Your head isn't facing the stage." I said without my eyes leaving the stage. I can feel his stares planted on me.

He chuckled and finally turned his head to the stage.

"Oh fuck." I mumbled.

"What?" Jeff wondered.

"They're gonna spray us." I said in realization.

"I know." Jeff calmly said, with a slight smirk on his face.

"You know?! We're gonna get wet." I said panicking.

"You can use me as a human shield." He joked.

But then its too late. We both already drench. "Well, thats too late." As the crowds interrupted.

Jeff laughed out loud beside me, and it sounds melodic. 

"I hate you." I said with a genuine smile on my face.


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